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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


25th Dec' i turned 21..nthg much changed since yesterday i guess..except that now i can legally buy drinks..not that that lil technicality stops others..hehe..

so budday started with what should only be called "midnite madness"!!!..a lovely chocolate cake (really pretty cake) lit with a candle "side dish" (this is when we dont really have any proper bday cake candles n have to make do with normal ones..placed on something beside the cake so as to not mar it in any way..) on my new candle stand (thats exactly what i no more candles in bowls n plates!!!!)..normal bday song apart..doel did the honours by singing anything and everything..god she can go sooo crazzzzzzzy at times..hehe..the funniest was to try n click pics of me feeding cake to my friends..its just soo weird holding the cake just in that position till the pic is taken..hehe..sum pretty fantastic pics with hands here n necks cricked this way n that!!!..anyway so some cake smearing ensued (which i dont get the point in why would anyone wanna waste such nice cake!!!..hehe..)..n more pics of me running to wash it off before a really embarrassing pic could be taken..n being victorious in the venture :P ..oh n ghosty, mads n ananya got me such a pretty bandhani sari..i had been cribbing about one for some time now..convocation n farewell this sem n i couldnt buy a nice sari back home..cho chweet of them to get this fr me..biscuit coloured (i guess thats what its called anyway) with a dark maroon border with little gold in it..all thin n light..just like how i first i thought it was a churni or maybe some dress material or something..was quite a surprise to find it was a sari..n its soo soft too.........ookk well sorry to go on n on like that..hehe.. the "party" wound down..n i ended up chatting n orkutting..n of can i forget our new beloved "greys anatomy" tonight to there seemed to be no end to the thnx scraps i sent out..hehe..well nt that im complaining of anything..but scrapping sooo many just soo glad for that scrapping from own s/b thing..saved me from having to open each individual scrapbooks..

so that brings us to this morning..and day..which ended up being one of the best bdays i can remember!!..all thanks to my frnds who were soo kind enough to tolerate me n my very entertaining (!!!) "amazing" jokes (i hope ur reading this ghosty n mads..hehe) we went out for lunch in otr (n waited 2 hrs for princess ananya n deeksha to land up!!..they actually came in while we were paying the bill..hehe)..n then some window shopping..bought gifts for kart's bday (which was on 4th n who suddenly landed up this aftee when we were expecting him some two days later!!..hence the mad rush..hehe) stop: mehrangarh!! an effort to culturally enrich ourselves..hehe..n what an experience that turned out to be..cute-guys-in-blue-shirts-n-over-enthu-strange-women-who wanna-take-their-pics!!!..god that was sooo nutty..with mads n dixy screaming around about how cute n hot this one foreigner was n wanting me to take his pic so that we could "immortalise" him!!..n now on top of that some woman lands up wanting to take his pic too!!!!!..guess thats what knocked some sense into those two who quickly sobered up..hehe..but that woman was sooo hilarious!!! we went up the elevator (after a loooonnnggg wait in the queue) to the museum..n walked all the way down..stopping at every opportunity to take all these really unusual pics..most came out really well tho..n then the guards (?) got mad coz we "blocked the traffic"..hehe..but the other people started copying our poses n they finally gave up i guess..hehe..we took these really impossible but really cute pics..all hanging outta windows..posing with canons (mads, ananya n me firing it with dixy getting "blown apart"..hehe)..oh this that n the other..hehe..probably will put up the pics on orkut tomm if i upload them by then..had a wonderful time..the guards had to practically push us out i think..hehe..

back to the univ..all spent..feet screaming..n back to the windfall of mails!!!!!..time for the fingers to scream now..hehe..well its high time i got some dinner in me..n enriched myself with a few more eps of "greys anatomy" yet again..

ciao for now..(hey that rhymes!!!) :D

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

back to the grind..

cant believe the vacation is over!!..seems too soon that m back here..n i cant believe that i havent blogged in suchhh a looong time..but then this time i was more of a tv couch potato type than comp chair potato!!..anyway started on some really good serials..loads of movies (but of course..hehe)..n watched too much "full house" n disney channel stuff..hehe..well so thats right now having the time of my life finishing off a whole pkt of "celebrations"..n with net n lan, its almost worth it being sem time again..hehe..

anyway so today was my first day of VIth sem..and as all other first days, no real classes..just intro sessions n stuff..started late n left early - in short, my kinda day!!..hehe..had the vc lecturing us about this n that..n with jasleen making funny comments from behind, it was sooo hard to maintain a straight face..that too with shasthri staring us down!!..hehe..m sure he thought it was either ananya or me..oh well like that matters anyway!! it is all his lectures are the same and full of utter crap..n its awesome fun to pass comments all the time..hehe..but then we are in general a very "commenty" kinda group..the poor guys who are unfortunate enough to sit in front of us in movie theatres get regular doses!!..

well, nothing more to write right now..switched to blogger beta..lets see how that works out..doesnt look all that different except for a few minor format changes..