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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

sashiburi da ne??

ohhayooo minna-san!!..sashiburi da ne??..yep been long since i updated here..n whats the momentous occasion this morning u ask??..well its a ppt so no first class!!..yieee fr me!!..god bless firms n companies n their ppts..hehe..i luuuuv impromtu class cancellations..n suddenly felt like il spend this hour catching up on ppls blogs n before long i wanted to write stuff myself..hehe..well here i am then..been verrrry busy recently..last min stuff again..n as usual m being a total lazybones about it..have sooo much work that i actually feel buried..n the endsems have already crossed that "corner" while everyones happily celebrating durga pujas m sitting finishing pending work..not to mention, my sis wud b visiting fr a few days frm friday..dunno how il manage to work n show her around as well..anyhoo..lets cross that bridge wen we come to the famous words of our famous vss..hehe..which reminds me that i hav his class (more like an excuse for a staring contest if u ask me!) this morning..mendokuse!!!!

well so wat have i been upto these days apart from work??..a massive intake of other words "how i met your mother" amazing series..n i sooo luuuuv barney..cant blv hes the same doogie howser kid i saw over this summer!! (man they sure grow up so fast ne?? :P) his immortal words - its "legennnnn-wait-for-it-daaarrryyy"..hehe..other than regular stream of animes n doramas continues..started on all these new animes..some really good..some totally crap..n one which is probably meant for 2-yr olds but i watch it anyway..hehe..but mostly not that bad..nothing as path-breaking as "death note" or "claymore" or "darker than black" n stuff..but nothing nauseating like "school days" either..n best news so far is that "d.gray-man" is continuing!!..would have sucked had it actually ended at 52 eps..but thankfully its back to the true manga story n roaring on..cant wait to see allens new arm..hopefully in a few eps if they dont decide to go all shippuuden on us (which, btw, has decided to stop airing for weeks on end now for what purpose god only knows!!..i mean cmon the mangas waaaay ahead so just get on with it already!!)

so work aspect..check!..neverending rants about anime..check!..what else is left then??..ohhh yesssss.."pokemon news" :P no i havnt discovered a latent love for the series (still consider it yuck even aftr all of ananyas ministrations to the contrary..hehe :D) merely refers to my love for poking all the freaking time..(note: certain ppl b informed that i refer to normal "pokes" here..n not the special variety i subject certain ppl to..henceforth poke shall only mean poke and not *poke*..hehe..aaahh as if u didnt know already..but then cudnt resist the crack there..hehe)..n yes i do mean it about all the freaking time..just ask ghosty who has the misfortune to sit right in front of me in class and has to bear the brunt of it usually..or ananya n mads who also get their due share of my famous pokes..hence the name "pokemon"..n so about "pokemon news"..basically that there is no news at all..i sooo miss poking ppl but now-a-days m mostly sleeping in class..or ppl r sleeping themselves..or poor lil pokemon had to go underground for sometime..which she made up for by behaving like the hyperactive perpetually drunk lil baby that she is..m thinking of terming it as the "mental pokemon mode"..hehe..

so there it is..half of my hour-long holiday gone..the other half to be spent in checking for updates on few fanfics n probably finishing this multi-chappy one m currently reading..lessee wen i get to write next..oh n seems like winters on the way for sure now..gotten real dry..n quite chilly in the early if only the days could get cooler too!!

anyway..toodles for now..
jaa..mata ne!!

ps: naruto ost 3 is a drug..period..

edit @ 12.43 pm:
no hons class after all..n better still no more classes!! other words no more staring!!..yiee!!..met the great vss himself outside n made the humongous mistake of asking him whether we have class or not..but of course he wont reply in the simple "no"..oh no not was at least a min long monologue as to how "regular classes have hereinafter been notified to be suspended due to the completion of the syllabus.." or something like that..n how i should come give my project viva sometime..of course i dnt retain the exact pompous words..but i remember it included terms such as "your excellency" and "knocking on doors"..dunno y tho..guess i switch off even wen not in automatic conditioned response..hehe..

but anyway before i launch fully into one of my "bashing phases"..lemme just leave it off here for now..after all i intended to just state that we actually ended up not having his class..n look at how m gettin drifted off again..hehe..

so bbye..tata..again..

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