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Friday, December 05, 2014

These are a few of my faaaaaavourite things!

An ode to those tiny innumerable things in my life which make it so very amazing. But for the sake of brevity, lemme just go with the first 50 off the top of my head.

In no particular order and not even remotely sing-song or rhyming by artsy-fartsy poetic licence standards (The song from The Sound of Music is what lead to to this. Ergo):
  1. Waking up naturally
  2. Warm toes 
  3. A hot cup of tea
  4. The smell of bacon or sausages frying in the pan
  5. When it gets dark just before it starts to rain during an otherwise bright day
  6. When family visits and things I like (presents/stuff I didn't even ask for) just start coming out one by one from the suitcase
  7. A good dream
  8. The bathroom at home
  9. Fresh pillowcases
  10. When a pair of earrings just goes perfectly with my outfit
  11. A good hair day
  12. Eating freshly shelled peas (by the kilo!)
  13. Childhood ham 
  14. When I get a sudden craving for something and it is right there at home for the taking
  15. Angsty yaoi/josei manga
  16. Cuddling under a warm comforter all tucked in
  17. Stockings/tights with boots in winter
  18. Taking my bra off after a long day
  19. Cooking from memory and the result tastes of a home-cooked meal from my childhood
  20. An unexpected bargain
  21. Talking with mom/sister on phone/video chat and sounding like Gloria from Modern Family (allegedly >_>)
  22. Good gossip
  23. A fun popcorn thread
  24. Baby pictures of me, family and friends
  25. Laughing so much that I cannot swallow what's in my mouth (nor would I want to spit it out) so just staying frozen in place till it passes
  26. Talking to an old friend after a long long time yet feeling like we'd last spoken just yesterday
  27. Watching a bad movie with friends and ripping it apart
  28. A hot shower on a cold day
  29. Hotel beds
  30. The sound of notifications pinging away on my phone while getting out of the car downstairs (getting within range of my home Wi-Fi, that is)
  31. When a good series ends well
  32. Being called fat
  33. When I'm feeling incredibly hungry and food arrives just then
  34. Meat
  35. A good photograph of me
  36. When something exceeds expectations
  37. Moisturizer massages
  38. Talking about "nothing" for hours with a best friend
  39. Comfortable yet hawt shoes
  40. The "just cleaned" look
  41. Songs which take me back to another time
  42. Deleting something once watched/read
  43. Changing into "home clothes" after getting back
  44. Opening up presents
  45. Liquor chocolates
  46. Shopping with a list at hand
  47. Talking out loud to myself
  48. When something I want to download is already uploaded on the site when I open it
  49. Recommending a series I've loved for a long time to a best friend and they start loving it too
  50. When food is unexpectedly delicious while on a blind restaurant date
Just 50 is not nearly enough. Not by a long shot. I could go on but writing about this does not, ironically enough, feature among one of my favorite things. :P

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