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Saturday, August 29, 2009

of media trials and too much scrubs..

it's weird how every time i have some serious work to do, i always feel sleepy and/or bloggy..and it is even more weird that i am sounding just like jd inside my head instead of like me..i can even see "me" as jd inside my head!!!! too much scrubs..too much scrubs!!!! get back on and my work..aksar don't do much baatein..sadly enough, that has ended..and i am to write a speech on "trial by media" for a seminar..which is perfectly coolio n all that..really nice topic and i actually know what it means (unlike a certain numbnut in chamber who looked so blankly at me when i said it that it was physically painful not to go and bang his head against some wall..oh the day i get to see his blood and excessive white matter go splat on the walls..ahhh that will be the day)..ahem ahem..getting back topic except that it has to be original..and that is mighty hard given that i am a trained robot who can ccp and footnote perfectly but chokes when it comes to writing from the heart..tho even that wouldn't be so much of a problem if it had not been for the person who i am writing it for..he's a bloody genius and i am literally shaking in my boots to write something that will actually not make him a laughing now here i am..researching like i had never researched in college before (and that includes the "research paper" last sem that i researched the hell outta..uhh..not really..but came quite close tho..uhh..not really..never mind..and now i am sounding like a bored cox inside my head..oh puhleeze i need to stop watching scrubs marathons every time i feel the urge to watch something english)..and he actually sits and listens intelligently while i stammer n stutter and tell him about this point and that (ok no..i am actually quite eloquent about it..but inside i am a quiverring mass of jelly!)..and then we sit and intelligently discuss the topic..bounce around some ideas..aaaaaannnndddd i am left with no clue as to how to put it all on's like he knows everything already..why on earth does he need me to write it all down and give him actual proof that my researching skills equal that of a 12-year old on internet-crack?? (well so ok maybe i'm not thaaaaat bad..but in front of him, 12-year old is actually a compliment!!)

well then, that about sums up my mood..i have like a tonne of really awsome manga i just downloaded..but m stuck with a bit fat book in my hands and a study-induced coma coming along..

toodles.. TT_TT

ps: i get the idea that i put way too much stuff in b/w these () than in the actual topic..and drift off way too much..did that always happen or is it scrubs-induced..hmmm..i wonder..

edit: it's past 1 am now..pepperoni and jap stuff always hit the do calls from old just made my night :)

Saturday, August 01, 2009

harry potter and the sheer awesomeness of the utter crap that the 6th movie was..

i didnt ever particularly like any of the other potter movies, but my god this just reached new levels of crap!!..even watching the 5th one in hindi was better than this!! (n lemme tell u, that one was sooooo bad i actually cried a lil inside)..considering that the 6th book was pretty damn good and had quite a bit of story in it, the movie on the other hand had absolutely nothing..its actually quite rare to butcher a book this badly..probably even bollywood would have made a better adaptation of it..even when i watched it without any expectations whatsoever, it still managed to disappoint..

disjointed bits and pieces of plot from the book..tied up with random bits of snogging all over the place..n sum fancy effects..n thats about real plot..not dark or sinister like the book kinda hinted at..not even funny..just basically nothing..i actually had to read the book just to get the bad taste out of my mouth..what a complete waste of time..i shudder to think what will be done with the 7th book!!