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Saturday, December 12, 2009

hometown weddings..

the best weddings are the ones which u return home to attend..of old school friends n neighbours n all..n the worst weddings are the ones which u return home to attend..which has moms of said old school friends n neighbours n all in attendance..not that i dnt like them or anythg..they are perfectly nice ppl..just that..they seem to luv wanting to parade me around like m sum sorta new piece at a museum..n of course with it comes the inevitable "do u recognize meeeee??" frm everyone in terribly pseudo baby m still 2 yrs old inside n hence have to b addressed as such..then theres the "omg uv grown sooo much"..thats not really surprising is it now??..i mean, if after 5 years, i didnt grow up..then that wud b something to exclaim over!..but worst thing ever??..getting called by ur most embarrassing pet name which u have been trying really hard to make ppl forget about..not just called, more like screeched at from different corners of the room..*shudder*

its actually quite cute in small doses..nice to meet ppl u used to know almost a lifetime ago..nice to reminiscence..nice to listen to funny tidbits about a forgotten childhood..but when i see a veritable drove of aunties descending on me..thats when i get an urge to turn tail and run..

ps: to all the old school frnds who r reading this n thinking m writing about their moms..m kidding..its actually not that bad..n quite fun..

Sunday, December 06, 2009

love is..

i remember how i used to read this comic strip which used to come in statesman (wow that was a loooong time ago!) of this cute chubby naked married couple called "love is"..with cutesy one liners about what love is..last night i kinda had a moment like that..

love is..when he tells you "i feel for you like you feel for ham".. >_<

ps: btw this was my 100th post..i agonised for days thinking how i should write an "appropriate" post to commemorate the look how it ended up..hehe..