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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

epiphany at 2.30 am!!

2.30 am on a wednesday middle-of-the-night..suddenly i hear the sound of some very loud very amateur (emphasis on the very) drumming coming from a neighbouring flat..n pretty soon it is joined by a very loud very weird broken-ish voice trying to "sing"..only it sounds more like a cat getting done from behind by a very large horse..

drawn by some morbid curiosity to put a face(s) to the "unchained melody" sprouting forth, i open the window facing the source of such abomination n what do i see?? one of the neighbourhood kids is vigorously headbanging over his drum kit while waving his hands around n randomly hitting various parts of the said drum kit..and some other older kid is headbanging dangerously close to this first kid's head n i guess it is from his mouth that the horrible painful sound is coming from..

pretty soon it became apparent that i was not the only unwilling audience of this impromptu rendition of god knows what..barnali kakima (the drum kid's mom) suddenly burst into the room and all hell broke loose!! the poor kids got the bashing of their lives..n such caustic vitriol spewed from the mouth of barnali kakima that would put to shame even the makers of delhi belly :P the end of all this, the moral of the story is ---> i should take care to play my yaoi n hentai vids at a lower volume..never realized that sounds carried so clearly this late at night :P