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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

One small facepalm for me. One giant facepalm for mankind.

Here's something I've noticed about me recently (and have dedicated statuses/discussions/rants/whinings on). Things tick me off. Make me facepalm. Make me want to smash someone’s face in. Make me wish there was a god and that I knew him/her just so I could look at them with a -_- face and go “WHY??!!!”. And these things are on the rise. 

It isn't like my allergy against all things stupid is a new phenomenon. I have all along gotten annoyed at the idiocy of the majority of the world’s population. But somehow it is only lately that I feel that the subject matter(s) of my annoyance have been on a steady increase. It is as if the standard of the entire world has fallen. At first I really thought it was me. That as I was getting older, I was apparently getting more intolerant towards the immaturity of people. But, no. It is this immaturity that is getting to a high enough degree to have become intolerable in recent times. And maybe this is a change for me – writing a long rant on it rather than go actually inflict some bodily/mental violence on these “epic samples of humanity”. Complaining in general on paper rather than actually address it to these people. I suppose this is the smarter thing to do coz I’d certainly go blue in the face if I actually went around tsukkomifying everyone around me being so monumentally (and non-hilariously) “boke”.

So these days I just shake my head, roll my eyes, facepalm and move on. To the next stupid thing someone says/does (which is instantaneous, really). Earlier I used to get my jollies out of going up to them, pointing out their stupidity to themselves and to the world at large and at times it made them better henceforth (which is good) but it always resulted in some insanely good popcorn threads. But now? Now I just pity them. It isn't even hilarious any longer. It is just sad and pitiful that fully grown supposedly educated people need to be actually told about such basic things. And there are SO VERY MANY of them. *sigh*

tl;dr version – There are more stupid people or more stupid per person these days and I am annoyed but can do nothing about it except whine here and hope they realize it is about them and feel bad enough about it to quit. Coz genocide (even if for the eventual good of the world) is still a big no-no. I am going to be a very grumpy grandma someday.

PS: I initially thought of tagging the people at least on my own list who really really need a kick in the face for their earth shatteringly stupid behaviour/beliefs/etc. But as I started out, I realized that I’d inevitably not be able to tag them all (facebook surely has a limit on the number of tags one can have for a note) and then the ones who have not been tagged would possibly feel that they do not fall within this category and that would be a really wrong message to send out to the world. And hence, this note shall remain untagged. If while reading this you feel like you could be one of these sample pieces I am aggrieved by, you probably are. Feel free to be offended.

[Originally posted as a facebook note. Hence, the talk of tags, lists and tagging people.]