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Saturday, November 15, 2014 Edit 15.11.2014 Aka "Just me v2.0"

So a little while ago I happened to glance down at my first ever entry here and, needless to say, I was horribly mortified by what I read. After a healthy dose of self-inflicted public humiliation on my Facebook timeline and much soul-searching (Nah, not really. I'm just bored again and this is as good a time as any), here I am - making a grand comeback. With better things to write written in a better way. Version 2.0 so to speak. So maybe I'll be a bit more regular with posts now. Or maybe leave it to gather dust once again when this initial bit of "I will do it!" spirit runs out. Only time will tell. Le bleh. At least this is something. 

Now on to the first order of business - correcting my horrendous introductory post!

dis is usual royally bored..nothing 2 do..hence tryin my hand at bloggin..had created dis page ages bak in anothr fit of boredom..well..

guess abt time i introduced myself..
m a wannbe lawyer..rt now startin my 3rd yr in law a person..well as i usually say "im indescribable.."..but if i hav 2 id say im crazy..absolutely certifiably lunatically crazzzy!!..

well since its only me whol b reading this column (possibly by now iv scared away any such hapless individual who wished 2 use my blog fr tp..poor thing), dis would be a no-holds-barred soul-bearing blog..absolutely irrelevant stuff straight from the mouths of moi..

so wait n watch!!


This is it. Me. As usual royally bored. Nothing to do. Hence trying my hand at blogging. Had created this page ages back in another fit of boredom. Well...

Guess about time I introduced myself.

I'm a former criminal lawyer taking a life-long siesta. Still continuing to live the dream even as the dream changes. Right now doing absolutely nothing productive if I can help it. As a person? Well, as I usually say, "I'm indescribable". But, if I have to, I'd say I'm crazy. Absolutely certifiably lunatic-ally crazzzy (with the 3 Zs, yes)!!!

Well since it's only me who'll be reading this column (Possibly by now I've scared away any such hapless individual who wished to use my blog for timepass, poor thing), this would be a no-holds-barred soul-baring blog. Absolutely irrelevant stuff straight from the mouths of moi.

So wait and watch!!


There! Done! Behold my use of correct grammar all over the place! All hail the oh-so-mature v2.0 me! Wheee!! ~(^_^~)  \(^_^)/  (~^_^) 

Hilarious how, even after all these years, this introduction pretty much holds true in most part (barring the atrocious use of txtspk, obviously). Still crazy and still sitting around bored in front of a computer screen for hours on end. My life is an eternal college holiday. Hah!

So.....Until the next time I'm bored and my particular brand of pointless crap overflows and demands to be shared with the world. Toodles~