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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

in a very crappy mood

happy independance day!!..60 years since india achieved independance n the only reason i welcome this day is coz i get to sleep in in the middle of the week coz of this..tch tch..tho looks like not this time..up since 3.30 in the morning again..sleep patterns outta whack again these days (along with my patriotic sentiments it seems)..either i sleep jst fr a couple of hours or end up sleeping the whole day and night off..n needless to say every waking second is spent in watching japs..(or indulging in rampant dnt this case ignorance is bliss..)

so its my anime phase again..i get these phases sumtimes when i can watch only doramas or only anime or just read right now its anime time..n boy r there sum great new ones floating around..started on "claymore", "zombie loan" n "mushi uta"..each great in its own right n very different.."higurashi no naku koro ni" also deserves special mention being easily one of the freakist animes i hav ever seen..starts out as really innocent n the main xters look really cute n all..but who would have thot that..all i can say is "wow" to whoever thot the plot(s) up..guess its even more freaky coz it was so unexpected from kids with such innocent expressions on their faces..wat else..have been trying to rid myself of all those pending anime on my list i had to watch since god knows when..finally finished "dn angel"..turned out to be nice actually even tho i had gotten pretty bored with it in the middle..

m too much into manga as well now..ever since i read "kakashi gaiden" simply coz it wasnt there in the a rule i dnt like reading the manga for an ongoing series coz it just spoils it when u watch to read it when the animes ended n the manga continues the in "ouran"..but majorly, been reading "inuyasha"..always been very dissatisfied n disappointed with the anime ending bt was too lazy to check out the manga..watchd a few reruns sumtime bak n caught the bug..n of course cudnt resist reading the next bit of naruto..but thankfully didnt read too much..just a chappy or so..(enough to spoil last weeks ep tho..hehe)..but now everytime i get bored i feel like reading it a bit more..seriously the animes dragging on too this rate it'll take 50 eps more just to get to sai n right now whenever i get impatient with an anime i feel like reading the manga..getting really irritating this rate there will be nothng to look forward to in the anime at all..

basically been really bored..yeah dats like d story of my cant blv i was soo bored that i actually checked out chang's prf again..well also to check wethr he was still in the game or i can happily assure ananya that yes our "idol" is indeed going strong..theres actually a chance that he might win this thing..seems to be everyones fav rt now..hes a great singer..n its certainly helps to be uber cute!!..hehe..anyway so i checked his prf n found his blog..decided to give it a try (boredom talking again it seems)..he actually writes really well..very bookish or travelogue-ish sometimes..but seems like he does have a pretty sarcastic witty side as well..wich is soo not apparant on tv..n apparantly he likes to flirt!!..which brings me to my next point n current major grievance in life (ok maybe thats stretching it a bit..but does piss me not guys who flirt..but guys who....well just read on will ya!!)..jst that i find it really hard to stomach that guys who flirt with gals do not expect the girls to flirt back n when they do they presume it to be some sort of declaration of undying devotion!!..i mean is it that hard to imagine that a girl might also wanna have some fun sumtimes just for funs sake???..if a guy is flirting then its totally for the sake of flirting n nothing strings attached..but the second the girl reciprocates..its to be assumed that shes genuinely interested in him??..yeah it might be so of is it soo hard to imagine that it might not be so as well?? i was like really pissed one night n net being too crappily slow i couldnt watch my regular stuff so i went ahead n chatted with this one guy..i had added him thinking him to be someone else..n hed added me..well mayb coz thats the first girl whos ever wanted "franship with him" mayb..hehe..anyway so just that day i asked him who he was coz he had just put up his own pic in the prf n i cudnt recognise him we just got to talking..n having nthg better to do, i thot id humour him n chat anyway..turns out he likes anime as well n we also share few similar interests..we chatted fr like the whole night..flirting back n forth..all fun for me n wat i thot for him too..but no sir-eee..the next day i had an offliner saying he wanted to chat again that night..well i certainly didnt mind..he was sorta ok timepass..but wow what a bomb awaited me that nite!! apparantly since last nite he hadnt thot of anythg else than me..i thot he was still flirting..fyn by me..i teased him a bit about it saying that i was too busy with sum other guy to be thinking of him..hehe..normal stuff..imagine my surprise wen he got all serious n said that i was "unique" (yeah like i didnt knw dat already!!..tho i am better known as weird than unique exactly) n that we "connected" last night n he was "falling for me"..dialogue straight outta sum soppy movie..i almost gagged at it..i still wasnt serious n teased him for messing around..well turns out hes like all the other guys who cant differentiate between harmless flirting and falling in love..needless to say it was "bbye"..part of me still hopes he was kidding..n bad luck for him if he who told him to take me seriously wen probably the first thing i told him abt me was that im nevr to b taken seriously unless its a matter of life n death (n even then it depends on whos life or whos death it is!)

so that brings me bak to crappy guys n their crappier take on girls..seriously im fed up with the whole gender itself..morons all of them..wimps..sentimental soppy fools..gale paru-s to the core..n worst of all r the so called "nice guys"..the most boring ppl on earth (more like entire universe!)..n stupidly stubborn that they make me itch to, bitchslap them!!!..forget the "ideal guy", im yet to find a single specimen of a "guy" at all..whoever said that all the gud ones were either taken or gay was 200% correct!!..seriously makes me wanna become lalala for real..

n yeah if u havnt guessed already m in a particularly pissy mood..nets kinda slow so i cant watch "goong" now..n theres only a few eps left n i was right in the middle of one too!!..usually nets real fast in the mornings at least..but been real crappy since last evening..hence my bad mood..i hav a good mind to pound someone right now..break a few skulls or so.. :x

well seems like iv been writing this piece forever..already been over 2 hours since i started..watched an ep of "sola" in b/ far so my old posts..cant blv i actually wrote stuff like that bak wen i started out blogging..hehe..guess il b thinking almost the same while reading this post few months frm now..hehe..anyway this has been dragged on enough..

bbye till the blogger "mushi" takes me over again..

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