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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Code Geass R2..The end of an era..All Hail Lelouch!!!!

thats it..the end of a masterpiece..even if i had been having doubts post lulu turned into a rabid emperor-wannabe mid-series (painful reminders of death note mid to end T_T), this last episode made everything better and sooo way way more..exceeded my wildest imaginations to turn out the most beautiful anime ending in history (well maybe except for fma..but now thats getting a 2nd season, so dusnt really count!)..truly a most magnificent ending to a magnificent series..i was half fearing another cliffy a la season 1 and a 3rd season or ovas after this..never expected everything to be wrapped up so well in just one episode..or actually in the last 10 mins or so, where it went beyond awesomeness to like the realm of total divine godliness (that probably made no sense :P)

i truly have never cried so much for an anime character than i did for lulu (not even close to my almost non-existent tears for him as i did, for me he died along with L..and not even as much as for kamina in ttgl..and he was like total gar! it came as a complete shock..most unexpected death evah!)..and im not even a lulu fangirl to begin i was always continually disgusted with either (or all) suzaku, kallen, nunnally, rolo, shirley, villetta..not to mention euphie..and how on earth could i forget nina..she tops my hate-list in both seasons..thats like reallll hate!!..first season shes a useless git who does certain things off certain ppl's pictures (no matter that "certain ppl" r also on my hate list) and second season she makes something a million times worse than the atom bomb, hands it to the enemy and expects it not to be used and actually has the cheek to be shocked that it wiped out an entire city..i mean wow woman, were u dreaming when u made this thing???? weird no-memories-cc..she was a pain in a lottt of places..and all this not even counting all the minor characters!!..and that too only for being totally and completely useless/spineless/wimpy/sucky characters who indulged in pointless screaming matches when they should really be trying to fly those huge mechas and kill the enemy rather than chattering away to glory!..charles and schneizel (and later..marriane) for being terribly poor anti-anti-heroes if nothing else..also ones gotta admit that dear orange-kun was there only to serve as the comic content..till the very end in fact (cant blv they actually made orange-kun pick oranges!!! the only people i was left with any respect for by the end of it were cornelia (and that knight of hers), actual-original-pizza-hogging-with-code-and-totally-tsundere cc and the gr8 mass of awesomeness known as lelouch lamperouge..and well after the last episode, to a certain extent, suzaku..not as zero tho coz lulu will always rule as that (yes..even after death..or coded..or however he is now)..

so anyway my point is that even tho i totally hated the characters, was frustrated with how the story was going mid-series and was seriously expecting something worse than light's fate in death note, that last episode just went and killed i am now reborn as a total lulu fangirl who has actually gone and downloaded and read every lulusuza doujin scanlated (sadly not that many tho) and is happily reading every new fanfic gracing post ep 25 (some of them are really beautifully written)..and all in the space of the scant few hours since watching the last ep and with my awesomely sucky net speed..and did i mention that i've got the ost on repeat..and can't stop tearing up a little every time i hear "continued story" (now more so after iv heard it during the epilogue thingy)..kinda like how i reacted to "innocent days" and "stories" after the 1st season..just that then i was really sad about lulu guilting himself over our dear massacre princess..and now im just sad..period..

but i am so so soooo glad that the ending turned out like it did..if only death note had ended that way, with light's death not so pathetic and actually planned out by him..coz he does leave the world a better place, tho that kinda takes 2nd place while hes shown to b oh so happy being a megalomaniac to the end..while lulu is just awesome how he sacrifices himself for the greater gud..those last few scenes couldn't have been any better any way i think of it..leaving the way he did.."zero requiem"..was just perfect..i just hope that whats goin around on the geass forums is correct and that hes actually in cc's world..inherited the code from charles and became immortal after suzaku "killed" him..or else that ending scene and the whole point behind the lyrics of the song and cc's words is just not there..but even if lulu really died then at suzaku's hand..its still no less perfect..i guess that was the only time that i actually felt bad for suzaku (n thats saying something coz i was most coldhearted during the euphie death scene..hehe)..having to kill your best friend, especially after uv finally gotten over all ur issues of him killing ur girl n deceiving the world into thinkin shes a mass murderer, etc etc blah blah..and to carry on being zero..has to fill some really huuuge shoes there poor kid.. point me ranting here like this..considering the ppl who read this blog (if any!), do not watch animes..and have certainly not watched this and will understand not even a single word of it..unless of course i can get ananya to watch it and then go all "wheeee lets discuss the awsum ending"..which will take a lotta time..hehe..but this was just sooo epic that i just had to write about it..lets hope one day i can read it myself and laugh at how weird n lulu-luvin i was..hehe..

sore ja!
mata ne!!

ps: like sumone gonna miss geass monday mornings :P..ahh well i just hope vampire knight guilty is gud n junjou romantica even half as gr8 as the hueco mundos almost back!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

i have no idea why i am even hitting the publish button for this crap!

so here i am..dead tired n sleepy..just back from a movie and dinner outing ("rock on" was ok.."crossroads" was passable)..waiting for a manga to get downloaded so i can go die on my bed for the night (yes i did mean to type "die"..not "lie"'s not a typo!)..and well so i was just cleaning out my bookmarks and chanced upon all my friends blogs..reminded me that even i used to write sumthg sumtime..habit's totally gone now tho..ever since i actually grasped the reality of my impending graduation - which in my book reads as "sayonara jap stuff" - i have been finishing off stuff at an alarming rate..anime..manga..doujins..movies..u name it, im doin it!..the same i - who detested downloading stuff coz it cluttered up my comp..and who is famous for beating even kumbhkarna when it cums to sleeping - am actually waking up at 5 am to download stuff!! (in case ppl r getting ideas here, its just coz our dear darling internet connection cums on pretty sure i wudnt hav bothered had v nt had net restrictions)'s just hit me that i don't even have a whole year in which to watch stuff..and that i wudnt b able to follow anime n manga as they cum out in japan from the next spring season..ergo bye-bye fma 2 T_T

my life as i know it is gonna b over..and i am not quite sure that the life i will be acquiring will be anythg to my taste, let alone be as awesome as im used to..and now that people are gettin placed right n left, n my only (and quite lonely) refrain is "litigation", "oh shit!" (and certain variations thereof) has become quite a regular in my vocab..

anyway, so 70% of the download is dun..sumthg wich wud hav normally taken 5-10 mins is now dragging on for years coz of our awesum net wich just has to try n surprise us every time with its amaaaazing lows..however, i find myself unable to drag my fingers over the keyboard any more, and very strongly think that i shud desist before i start spouting embarrassing nonsense (as opposed to my regular nonsense)..


ps: i like to criticise..which is to say i like bitching abt stuff but think its way cooler n awesum to call it sumthg more fancy and formal! (and i hav no idea why i included it here)