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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

i have no idea why i am even hitting the publish button for this crap!

so here i am..dead tired n sleepy..just back from a movie and dinner outing ("rock on" was ok.."crossroads" was passable)..waiting for a manga to get downloaded so i can go die on my bed for the night (yes i did mean to type "die"..not "lie"'s not a typo!)..and well so i was just cleaning out my bookmarks and chanced upon all my friends blogs..reminded me that even i used to write sumthg sumtime..habit's totally gone now tho..ever since i actually grasped the reality of my impending graduation - which in my book reads as "sayonara jap stuff" - i have been finishing off stuff at an alarming rate..anime..manga..doujins..movies..u name it, im doin it!..the same i - who detested downloading stuff coz it cluttered up my comp..and who is famous for beating even kumbhkarna when it cums to sleeping - am actually waking up at 5 am to download stuff!! (in case ppl r getting ideas here, its just coz our dear darling internet connection cums on pretty sure i wudnt hav bothered had v nt had net restrictions)'s just hit me that i don't even have a whole year in which to watch stuff..and that i wudnt b able to follow anime n manga as they cum out in japan from the next spring season..ergo bye-bye fma 2 T_T

my life as i know it is gonna b over..and i am not quite sure that the life i will be acquiring will be anythg to my taste, let alone be as awesome as im used to..and now that people are gettin placed right n left, n my only (and quite lonely) refrain is "litigation", "oh shit!" (and certain variations thereof) has become quite a regular in my vocab..

anyway, so 70% of the download is dun..sumthg wich wud hav normally taken 5-10 mins is now dragging on for years coz of our awesum net wich just has to try n surprise us every time with its amaaaazing lows..however, i find myself unable to drag my fingers over the keyboard any more, and very strongly think that i shud desist before i start spouting embarrassing nonsense (as opposed to my regular nonsense)..


ps: i like to criticise..which is to say i like bitching abt stuff but think its way cooler n awesum to call it sumthg more fancy and formal! (and i hav no idea why i included it here)

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