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Sunday, September 27, 2009

a month of firsts..

september of unforgettable month..there was just soo much crammed into these 30 days..has to be the most eventful n most memorable month this year, if not ever..

this was the month i became "deboleena mitra, advocate" instead of just plain "deboleena mitra"..this was the month i started wearing the gown n band n going to court not just as another intern..this was the month when i accepted my first vakalatnama..filing my first case..winning my first case..first time praying for time before a judge n almost choking at the first try coz of nerves..first time getting over the nerves n learning that i have an actual "voice" as opposed to the "squeak" i had made earlier..first time arguing before a judge without a safety net (ergo joy sir) and winning (n my legs were literally shaking the entire time!!)..first time getting squished into 2D in court 5 during the last min puja rush..first time coming back home at night feeling like my legs would fall off but waking up in the morning n going at it again..n the first time getting my actual "khoon paseene ki kamai" :P

also the first time i came to kgp after such a long time n didnt go out to meet a single person..made a few frnds quite mad in the process i guess..the first time in years that we celebrated moms bday with a homemade cake n all..again a first that i m in bengal n havnt gone out to see pujas properly yet..but even so its the first puja that has been so totally n completely fruitful (really properly leeched off the iit lan..n god its more awsum than before!!!!!

n even tho there r a few days left still (among which will be the first time id meet up with ghosty n not go to hatari!!) which may or may not make it a more memorable month, all in all it was by far the best month of the year!..i just hope it gets better n better frm now on..touchwood.. :P

anyhoo..gotta get back to watching all that iv leeched till now lest i end up with shortage of space XD
toodlio fr now..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

girl or woman??

remember that poem we had in one of our english papers in school about whether the poet is a girl or a woman??..not a girl not yet a woman or sumthg like that..the poem goes into all sorts of details abt the behaviour of the poet n her family..her feelings n wat not..very complicated apparently..anyway i was suddenly reminded of this girl-woman dilemma in a bus the other day when while getting off the conductor said sumthg like "bedhe dao..ladies nambe"..n i suddenly realised that i've finally outgrown being referred to as "bachcha"!!! so i guess for me the turning point would be..when a bus conductor for the first time referred to me as "ladeej" instead of "bachcha"..n sadly enuf i dnt even remember the first time that happened..tch tch..

ps: this is wat happens if m sitting bored at work!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

i want a roomie like hugh jackman..

no seriously one shud really see "sumone like u" for all the awsum hotness of this gorgeous gorgeous hunk of a guy being paraded around in all his half-naked glory..a lottttt!!! (yummmmmmyyyyyyy)..godddddd..its like my ovaries went "doki doki" in there :P..anyhoo..crap movie..or mayb i jst wasnt in the mood..but his presence made up for a lot of it..i soo wish i were in ashley judd's shoes..err..apartment!!

hmmm..cow theories n crap..sumhow now i feel like having sum beef..actually some ham wud do..its been soooo long since i had pork n now that m earning, i gotta save up for stuff like that so its gonna b at least till dec or so that id b able to splurge that much n go "mehhh" abt it..hehe..

oh n ya..i hav this sudden inexplicable urge to make out with sum hot guy at a sidewalk some rainy night or afternoon..weird huh?? if ur a hot guy walking down the street in cal sumtime tomm n it starts raining n u see this girl walking/driving past u licking her lips n salivating slightly..she's probably me..behaving like the true blue mb hero that i am inside.. :P

toodlie doo!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


it was a gorgeous rainy afternoon, if you go for those kinda days..had been pouring all day..really cold..i normally do not like excessively rainy days..just makes me feel all "romantic" (read moody n depressed..hehe)..mostly id feel like staying in, ordering some food and watching fluffy yaoi stuff all day cosy in bed to shake off the bad feeling..but today that was not to be..

on the way back from court, as we were driving past victoria memorial (which btw luks awwwwsummm wen its all wet..especially against the backdrop of a dark grey sky), it suddenly struck me..i was actually truly happy..lessee..i can now introduce myself as a "practising criminal lawyer of the calcutta high court"..i have just started earning for real..finally started wearing the gown n band in court..can actually be useful..have gotten cases of my own..u knw, like with my name in the vakalatnama..its an amazing feeling..and then there was a really nice song playing on the radio..normally id feel all blue that i was alone n stuff..but not today..maybe it was the impromptu biryani lunch we had (yummmm!!!)..or maybe it was that it just got through to me that things were going right in my life..that the huge gamble i had taken in college was really paying off..a feeling that this is what i was made for..a sense of belonging..

im probably rambling too much..but it was like i had this one moment when it suddenly became dazzlingly clear that this is what my life is gonna be in, all those times when id be thinking n imagining as to what kinda life id have n sumhow it wud feel like my life was always gonna start sumtime in future..i guess it hit me now..this is my life..this is it!..i am a lawyer and i am practising..of course i hav a huuuuge way to go before i actually become any good..but i've life has started..n it was very clear to me right then that i had actually pretty much gotten everything i staying alone (which is to say that i go for work in the morning n cum bak at abt 11-11.30 at night, sumhow eat sumthg, finish any pending work n then is truly too busy to be "alone" really..the only time i even feel like i hav time to miss frnds n all is like a few hours snatched during the weekends if m lucky..i actually truly dunno how ppl manage to hav bfs or get married n stuff while maintaining a life like this..where on earth do u get the time????)..n i hav this amaaaaazziinngg job that i luuuurrrvvv..its an added bonus that my boss n colleagues r totally pally..complete sweethearts with mile long funny bones..hehe..then..i just luv kolkata..i have like the best lappy evah! everyones a foodie in chamber which makes it that much easier for me to hog in front of them..its like i cudnt ask for anything more..except maybe a trip to japan..n thats covered as well if this guy keeps this promise he made a few days back!!

i guess even tho sumtimes i feel a bit sad that my frnds r not in the same city, all the gr8 things that r attached to kolkata would not have happened if id followed the crowd n gone to delhi or mumbai..joyda asked me sumtime back whether i liked college better or work better n was appalled wen i said i preferred work..i guess it is hard to comprehend since i pretty much had a 5-yr vacation back in univ n had probably broken all records for would be hard to imagine that i actually wud wanna "work" at all..but then the first day u step inside the court room..its like u can hear a "ding! ding! ding!" going on inside your head telling u that this is the right answer..n thats it..

anyhoo..that was just a bit of a random ramble..spur of the moment i was thinking it all, i just knew that this wud have to be incomprehensible as it is..

toodles for now..