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Saturday, November 14, 2009

of age and lists..

seems that lately all my friends have suddenly realised that they are ageing!..n since most of my frnds r chronologically younger than me, this situation dusnt exactly make me feel the best..i hav like 21 yr olds talkin abt hitting mid-life crisis fr gods sake!! n here i am, a year from attaining "silver" status, made to feel like a 2 yr old at fact my boss actually likens me to his not-even-2-yr-old-daughter!!! go figure..anyway that probably has something to do with the fact that i behave like a looney at work what with being too bored during the court strike n well - actually being a loony inside..hehe..n coz my brain probably holds lesser legal knowledge than my boss' daughter..well anyhoo..a "heated discussion" about ageing and de-ageing ensued..n how one dusnt grow old really unless one starts "feeling" old mentally..anyway whatever..blah blah..

basically what it all culminated in was the bringing up of our old original "to do before so n so age" "so and so age" was 25 yrs old incidentally, a point which had kinda slipped my mind..reading through what a relatively naive 18 yr old carefree college kid had thought would be accomplished by the ripe old age of 25 yrs was a revelation..i laughed n laughed at a few of my weird choices..cant blv that even then i had somehow thought that after getting the law degree i would be nearer to becoming a spy (my one true lifelong dream which ruled my imagination till i woke up one morning n realised that i dont live in america, the cold war is over, and that no indian intelligence service comes round for college placements)..n since this was my pre "jap crazy" phase, it contained a few really nostalgic names of guys who had later been overshadowed by the likes of yamapi n oguri shun..then again, a few dreams remain constant to this day..anyway going through them made me go all mushy n nostalgic inside, which was of course made a 100 times worse coz i had no court the next day n was bored mindless and hence had the time and energy left to wallow fully..saved somewhat by sreeni's msgs..nothing like discussing sadism to get outta the dumps eh?? least distracted me a bit..but then a painfully cheerful 1/2 hour of conversation with et made me feel even worse..its at times like these that i miss having net 24/7..what i wudnt have given for an all-nighter chat with sumone..

hmm..this entry is getting too depressing..which wasnt my initial intention at all..anyway it all got me to thinking that maybe i should pen down my current list so as to let a future me have a laugh one boring here it is..

renewed list of things to do before i turn "old" (in no particular order):

1. earn shitloads of money!!!
2. buy my dream car
3. go to japan and have a crazy affair with a hot japanese guy
4. go to japan and buy a real katana
5. go to japan and visit "ni chome"
6. basically just go to japan and go nuts
7. buy shoes i can only drool over now
8. fall in love (the real deal)
9. watch n read everything in my pending list (impossible i know)
10. buy the island (hehehe)
11. stay in a 7 star hotel for the weekend just because
12. become a successful criminal lawyer
13. defend a badly framed but innocent client and win
14. have annual holidays with ananya, mads n ghosty
15. adopt a daughter
16. attend a real anime convention and behave like a total fangirl (tho too old already i guess)
17. meet up with a few online friends who have become better friends than ppl i see everyday
18. pay back my parents
19. get back to reading books
20. learn how to speak japanese properly

just 20 for now..mostly do-able..lets see how long it takes me to fulfill these..
toodle dee doo!


Sreeni said...

You are NOT old. Get that into your mind. Jeez... We can start on 20 immediately

Debbz said...

oh i know i am not old..just feel that way sumtimes as compared to others..

n yiee!! i'll make u speak entirely in japanese this time..

Atreya said...

You want to visit 2chome ? There are way too many of them here in Japan :P

Debbz said...

maybe..but to a yaoi fanatic, there is only one :P

Atreya said...

Only one you say... But where !

Oh yea, I am "Raspudding" from the Animestan forum. The crazy admin who is eatting nattou with kimchi mixed with soy sauce and ketchup in ... wait for it... Japan o_o

Debbz said...

yes..i heard..hajimemashite.. :)

n m guessing ur *veg* if ur having just nattou, kimchi with soy sause n ketchup in the land of everything non-veg??

n doesn't nattou stink??

Atreya said...

Yes Yes. You guessed right. ^_^ Oh yea, Hajimemashite. And yea, nattou kinda stinks, but it tastes great with kimchi and wasabi. :D

Unknown said...

heehee... lovely.... though m partial to 10 and particularly to 14... :D!!....