at work..bored outta my mind..went blog hunting..greatbong had some amazing stuff as usual..but when my demented laughter started turning a few heads, had to change tracks..landed up on a "mush blog"..that is to say, a typical mushy-wushy poem/prose blog stating in increasingly gory details blow-by-blow accounts of all her relationships starting from when she was a baby!!..but again when my demented laughter rang out after reading a few posts, had to remove myself to more serious pursuits..didnt happen..few more random n boring blogs later chanced upon the following post: "timeline of wake up sids release" ..needless to say my demented laughter made yet another appearance..
i gave up and gave work and all play makes me bored and laugh..dementedly..apparently.. :P
boy boy then..
ps: need tips to commercialise my blog..turning out to be more "dear diary" type than i intended..and i need to be a famous movie star to pull that off commercially..hmm..well whatever..
i think u'll love her style of writing...
can you remove this word verification thing...its annoying...
yes..i'll get right to removing it..since making u happy is my life's dream after all..
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