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Saturday, March 13, 2010


remember that old hair dye ad where some not-so-old woman gets grey hair and is called aunty by the neighbour's kid?? i can still clearly hear the "aunty..aunty..aunty.." fading into the background as she makes a face like her entire life just fell apart..

well..some kids just came by for chanda..n for the first time ever, i got called aunty!!!!!! was really funny..m normally called didi at best..but wow..aunty!!..hehe..felt like i was all grown up n i wish this had happened in front of my colleagues back in kolkata who think i am nearer 4 than 24..or other friends who still apparently think of me as a scraggly school girl or something..its sad that the only person here to appreciate my "aunty moment" was my 93 year old granddad who's deaf and hence didn't hear a thing.. :P

ahh..the ironies of life.. *sigh*

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