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Sunday, April 25, 2010

kaleidoscope of emotions..or..what u will..

as i sat down to draft a petition
my mind automatically drifted away
as i started typing words which had no meaning
i frantically tried to keep sleep at bay

but my mind being my mind
had a mind of its own
and much as i tried to reign it in
at last i had to let it go

out flowed words i never imagined i could write
poetry so hauntingly beautiful, it actually gave me a fright!

for the usual me possesses no poetry
my soul resembles a barren land
but finally as my torrent burst forth
emotions tugged at me i could barely understand

a veritable kaleidoscope it was
wild and free
yet too much too fast
i never knew what possessed me

i thought i would be able to translate it all on paper
and finally publish a piece worthy of me
but words ran dry as soon as i dipped my pen in ink
alas! poignant poetry is still not my cup of tea

hence i shall leave it at this
a mere attempt at a great feat
maybe some day i shall emerge triumphant
but tonight i am beat

best time of the day

this was always her favourite time of the day..walking home from work..late enough that the streets were deserted and quiet..but early enough that there was no real danger involved in roaming the empty streets..a light cool breeze blowing..a few of her favourite old melodies playing on the radio..the area free of the usual cacophony of life as she quietly hummed a few notes under her breath..yes this was definitely her time..

she slowly made her way to the intersection..walking lazily along..much different from her usual "march of doom" as a few people so eloquently put it..she forgot about her day..finally for a few minutes at the very least she could be free of the constant reminders of pending this n drafting that..coz once she set foot inside her flat, reality would come sneaking back in with the slam of the for these lazy few minutes she let the wind ruffle her hair gently..let it calm her down..looked up at the moon and the drifting clouds..smiled faintly at some obscure memory of after dinner walks with friends..and made her way slowly towards where her life lay in wait..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

blah blah blabbity blah

Nobody loves me..
Nobody cares..
I'm going to the garden..
To eat some worms..
Big fat squiggly worms..
Small thin wriggly worms..
I'm going to the garden..
To eat some worms..

funny how we remember stuff like this from way back in primary school but forget what we studied last night..

have been feeling very nostalgic for the past few days..n then i just had to go and have a 3 hour conversation with an old school friend..come to think of it, we've known each other for about 8 years now!! time flies..even more nostalgic now..feel reaaaaaally old all of a sudden..wanna meet friends n talk about nothing..random gossip..of who's doing what..of link ups n break ups..sum gud ol' fashioned leg dumb charades or truth or dare..make obscure jokes only we would laugh about..reread slam books for the umpteenth time..and then update a long forgotten old crush n still feel a blush coming on at his sight..go back in time..explore all the "what ifs"..find out things about friends i never knew or bothered about of the books n movies we used to watch and the memories attached to them..browse old pictures n marvel on how different we used to look..prank call guys to make "popat" about absentee friends..about friends who got married right after school and dropped off the face of the a gazillion things one can do only with people you've known practically all your life..

if there's one thing i hate about my life, it's that i never have enough time or energy to go meet up with friends who live like a stone's throw away from me..and it's only gonna get worse..and some day in the future, there will be no more worms to eat in the garden.. *sigh*

Sunday, April 11, 2010


a bit late in writing this..considering i've been meaning to do it ever since i actually got on the flight back n started missing my friends..and a week later, m still missing them..

so here ode to a magical weekend..dedicated to ghosty, hosty n toasty..from your very own roasty!!
easter weekend of 2010..will go down at least in my history as one of my most memorable weekends..its true that friends are the family you choose..and i chose the best ones of the lot..n the craziest too thankfully or they'd never be able to stand me longterm..hehe..impromptu trips across the country are now part of the deal..people were shocked to hear that the normally terribly stingy me was shelling out big bucks to fly to mumbai to meet friends for apparently no reason whatsoever..which is what made it all the more exciting..wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if there were a a wedding or sumthing..coz then the bride would be too busy being, well, the bride..and we'd be one member it was now, it was absolutely perfect..

while i was rushing to dum dum from court (actually as it turns out, i didn't need to rush..figures that there would never be any traffic when i start out early enough to account for it), it all still seemed pretty unreal..there i was..flying to a city i had never been to before..made plans with people i had never met before..absolutely unsure of where i would be this all sounds wasn't..just that it was pretty crazy planning everything last minute..and an extremely boring flight later, i was in the desi version of the big apple..and there was a familiar face greeting me at the airport..and suddenly it was like it all became when ur ears pop open after the flight evens out and suddenly u can hear everything properly..and that's how one of my most amazing weekends started..

chronicling everything here would be a tedious job..and one that the lazy me is not inclined to engage in..suffice to say that i met everyone i wanted to and of the verrrry few people i knew only through internet and actually guy i had interned with years back n bumped into again now..friends of friends..n apparently even bagged a future client!..shopped..ate..drank..roamed around the city in the middle of the night..had a few sessions of our crazy photoshoots..spent all night chitchatting about everything under the sun..n a few topics over it..drooled over hot guys in movies..watched a crappy movie n made fun of it..slept all smushed together like sardines in a can..woke up later than we planned..had a lazy drowsy afternoon talking about everything and nothing at all..shared memories of times spent together..and apart..and so much much more..

heres to hoping that this starts a trend..of meeting up randomly..congregating just because..and heres to hoping that the next destination is kol..coz, man, am i broke!
