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Sunday, April 25, 2010

kaleidoscope of emotions..or..what u will..

as i sat down to draft a petition
my mind automatically drifted away
as i started typing words which had no meaning
i frantically tried to keep sleep at bay

but my mind being my mind
had a mind of its own
and much as i tried to reign it in
at last i had to let it go

out flowed words i never imagined i could write
poetry so hauntingly beautiful, it actually gave me a fright!

for the usual me possesses no poetry
my soul resembles a barren land
but finally as my torrent burst forth
emotions tugged at me i could barely understand

a veritable kaleidoscope it was
wild and free
yet too much too fast
i never knew what possessed me

i thought i would be able to translate it all on paper
and finally publish a piece worthy of me
but words ran dry as soon as i dipped my pen in ink
alas! poignant poetry is still not my cup of tea

hence i shall leave it at this
a mere attempt at a great feat
maybe some day i shall emerge triumphant
but tonight i am beat

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