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Thursday, June 22, 2006

bored musings!!

like i bored..and since im not quite the kind to go around poring my heart its gonna be slim pickins' here for sometime till i get the hang of it..

m not a poet or no senti poems here..nor do i wanna rite huge ultra hi-fi political stuff..sometimes i wonder why im even writing goes nothing..

rite now im watching ffvii-ac for the umpteenth time..just love the graphics..n d fight scenes r wow!! its got my fav anime baddie: sephiroth..this is by far 1 of d best anime flicks iv seen..its much bettr dan regular anime..watchd ffvii-last order dis aftee which was a small anime..the nebelheim stuff..about zack..dies in d end tryin to save cloud..i luv dis game..d whole series actually..d best story is of course ffviii..n im completely in luv with squall!!..wish deyd make it in2 a movie too..

anothr x'ter m in luv with is wolverine frm x-men..dunno y i always fall fr dese loner types..d ones with a forbidding exterior but a soft heart..sucker fr dem..wish i cud actually get 1 in real life..but all i get r wimps (maybe not..but definitely no wolverine or squall)..hehe..maybe my standards are too high..anyway..

well..its getting late and i gotta head back..
more later..

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