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Monday, July 24, 2006

so totally bugged!!

i am BUGGED..absolutely totally completely..bugged of life..bugged of work (tho i dont do much of that..still..)..bugged of classes..but most of all bugged of tests!!..especially dumb fam law tests which make no thru the portion once n it all seems easy n theoretical n all..but see the question paper and WHAM!! hits u right where it hurts..everything just flies outta ur head..and ur left with what u had before u studied all nite long..sad thing is u knw ul remm everything just as soon as u exit the class..all those tiny details which had earlier slipped out of ur hand like sand..all those family trees will start making sense again and ul remm the proper names of the cases..and ul go.."oh yeah..that was could i hav forgotten that!!"..ya ya very funny..studying just eight cases is giving me a headache..cant evn begin to imagine what'll happen during the endsems..!!!..but best to cross that bridge when i cum to it..

which brings me to the all-important question..what am i doing..blogging at a time like this??..when ideally i should be studying and preparing my guts out..!! me an escapist..but its mostly in times like this that ul find me being active in all areas except it orkutting..blogging..chatting..mailing..bugging!!..hehe..even thinking of catching a movie now..but guess this endeavour into blogging is gonna give me enough guilt trips to last this well..back to reality..and back to dumb fam law..(am i GLADDD that m in dayabhaga..mitakshara JHFs are the WORST!!)..

till the next time..if i survive tomm that is!!


Anonymous said...

lol! u sound totally bugged! hope u worried cuz i IMed ur today but got no response. u alive?

Debbz said...

hehe..yup..still hanging on..barely.. :D
heyy i didnt get any msg..but den YMs been actin weird n eatin up all my offliners fr no reason..
cya around..