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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

latest crush..

inuyasha!!..(well surprise surprise its anime again..oh ohhh..naughty naughty!!..get your mind outta the gutter now..hehe)..anyway lately iv been absolutely devouring these episodes..had seen a few back home during the hols..but didnt really like it..coz i watched it from the middle or something maybe..n seemed just too kiddish that time..but nothing good on lan makes one go through a lot..long story short got a few episodes and the four movies from another anime buff..and the rest is history..m officially hooked..i mean its not all that great..and it does kinda repeat stuff a bit..but overall not all that bad..and it definitely has its moments..and if the lan-sea is drying up..well beggars cant be choosers get the anyway i liked the movies better..but maybe thats coz those were subbed and the eps are dubbed in english..i toh personally feel that the original jap versions sound much better..not only in this..but all animes actually..some people say they cant read the subs and watch it simultaneously n all..but thats never been a prob for like a charm..n its just better hearing it how it was meant to be..and the dubbing is what makes the voice n all slightly on the silly side..the jap version is more serious..grittier..and the terms n spells n all arent translated to english..and that weaves its own magic..i mean..its much more mystical if one hears "kaazana" rather than "wind tunnel"..and anyway like i said..the voices are much more suited to the characters in japanese..its as if in jap its anime..but once its in english..its cartoon..dunno if thats how to explain it..but anyway..hellooo bigger picture here..

so well apart from my new interest in inuyasha..lifes pretty much the same around hols for dp again..hmmm..but well no point bemoaning that now..rather get back to watching those eps..oh n btw..inuyashas got a nice soundtrack..n some of the endsongs are quite hauntingly melodious..too bad they are in jap or would have posted the lyrics as well..translations dont really have it..not the real thing..

anyway..until next time..(which i guess doesnt seem to be too near in the immediate future frm the current trend of things)..

Thursday, September 14, 2006


these past few days..i have opened loads of "create posts" pages..and closed them again due to various reasons..the latest being me accidentally deleting the text before publishing or saving the post..most pissing off..but anyway..mostly its coz i have nothing to write about..weird coz of course things keep happening all the time..yet i have nothing to blog at dinner everyday mads will always have to ask her trademark question "n what have u been upto?"..n to this my stock response is always the monosyllabic "nothing"..without fail..not that i really do nothing..(as in i dont spend my time just staring away into space or anything..though that would also constitute as something..n thinking..or contemplating to use a fancy term for definitely not nothing..) anyway its more like theres nothing "new" that i do..or can write about..the same old monotonous in and day out..everyday..with the possible inclusion of new movies as each day goes..hehe..otherwise nothing else changes..ever..

so m stuck here again.."nothing to declare" as one would tell customs officials (tho why i brought up this similie is beyond me)..whatever..hence without further ado i bid goodbye..with these lines from "incomplete"..backstreet boys..(tho "show me the meaning" still remains my all-time fav from bsb..but right now these words sorta "speak to me")..

I've tried to go on like I never knew you..
I'm awake but my world is half asleep..
I pray for this heart to be unbroken..
But without you all I'm going to be is..incomplete..

ps: done with "smallville"..itching for the 6th season now..

Sunday, September 10, 2006


so a sunday again..a day of fun n classes n no tension..n best of all no waking up to the alarm clock!! needless of to say the majority of my sundays are always spent under the covers..blissfully in dreamland..but not so today..after wat seems like ages..m up on a sunday morning!!..actually woke up before 7..n had to force myself to go back to sleep to get up at a more respectable "sunday time"..which happened to be 9.30 (in case u wondering, thats a new high fr me..)..weird really coz this is one sunday which i dont hav to go out in the morning (whch is usually the main reason of my waking up before noon on sundays)..n can actually spend doing pressing work for monday as far as i remember..yieeeee..

so lemme nt waste any more time writing stuff here..n get on with off to "smallville" again..on 5th season now..had heard abt it n seen a few promos n ads n even a few snippets while channel hopping..but got down to watchin it this summer vacation n actually pounced on it once it came on lan..hehe..


Saturday, September 09, 2006


i wish i had kept this blog anonymous..or at the very least..not broadcasted its existence to all n sundry by putting it up in huge billboard-style neon lights on orkut!!

but well whats done is done..thats it..nothing else..

Thursday, September 07, 2006


back after a bit of a snooze from bloggerworld..been very busy..have a dratted moot tomorrow..ct (thats commercial transactions to the blissfully ignorant)..for which had to submit the memorial this evening..god knows why this guy is such a stickler for day-before-memos..usually one can happily make the memo on the last nite and submit in the morning itself..but not so for biki..oh no..he has to have it before so he can "read" it..which in other terms means him chronicling each and every teeny tiny insignificant mistake made as to get more n more ways of ripping u apart at the moot the next day..him n his dumb comments!! "why have u referred to benjamin when hes been dead for years??"..i mean..wth!!..the next time he even utters the word "benjamin" in class we're gonna ask him the same question..lets see what he can come up with then..a worse pj cracking prof iv never seen..n u hav to laugh at them..coz well..hes the prof..and with his track record n reputation..noones takin chances..hehe..

so anyway..meant to finish the memo last nite itself..but slept off and had to do it in the day..which is pissing off coz had to bunk classes..not that i dont like bunking classes..buttt..attendance!!..and i didnt end up utilising the whole day either as i had expected..ended up wasting a lot of time..but in the end memo done n printed n delivered..well before time..even after having to comb almost the entire univ for the guy who found just that time to go for walks all over the place..finally pinned him down at his m waiting for d-day..i just knw im gonna get screwed..royally..n with "dangerous dave" spouting cpc (the code of civil procedure) mumbo jumbo next to him.. after a while for the night..thinking of a a few choices there..might finally watch poseidon n delete it..been rotting in my comp for ages now..ummm..gonna have a loooong chat with subho again..we've been chatting all the much so that theres almost nothing new to say when im back home for the hols..hehe..anyway..m nt complaining..shes probably the only gud frnd frm kgp that im really in touch with..not counting orkut that is..including that..theres alsmot noone i am not in touch with..hehe..but not quite the same..

so well..gotta go now..dinner beckons..
wish me luck for tomm..

Sunday, September 03, 2006

the notebook

so here i am again..writing a review for yet another movie i liked..make no mistake i dont review just about every movie iv watched..with the sheer number of them i watch all the time, this space would just overflow if i were ever to do that..hehe..

so now back to what i started with.."the notebook" is a love story..n a sweeter one i never saw..iv always been kind of a sucker for stuff like "a walk to remember" n "love story" n all..when im in the mood that is..and a saturday night with a packet of chips, chocolates n some fresh hot coffee..makes for great atmosphere..i had heard of it..even read a few reviews..but probably wouldnt have watched it if there were any better choices available on lan..but since iv watched probably every good movie ever made, finding something like that was a chance one shouldnt bet i was resigned to watch this mushy romantic movie with quite a bit of misgivings..and at the end was blown away..totally..

an old man in a nursing home reads a story from a notebook..a an old woman suffering from dementia and whose memory is slipping from her more and more everyday..set in the 1940s, it is the story of two lovers who meet in the south at a carnival..allie was 17, a city girl from money..and noah was a country boy..the two fall crazily in love and spend the whole summer together but allie is forced to move and go to college..noah writes 365 for each day..for a year..but she never gets them..7 years pass and allie meets and falls in love with a wealthy soldier lon..but an article in the paper with noah standing in front of a fully restored, 200 year old home draws allie to him..the last time she saw the house it was a rotted decaying had been noah's dream to buy and restore the house..for her..just the way she wanted it..she goes back to him to sort things out in her head..and to seek some closure..they spend a few magical days together and she doesn't want to leave ever again..allie now has to choose between her fiancé and noah..

thats all that can be said without letting out the plot..and it is really very very cute..the end is just sooo sweet..n lemme tell you..nothing is more adorable (or luckier) than old love..two old people dancing..gazing at each other as they did 50 years ago..anyway this is one movie even a part-time romantic like me will love..n it has all the magic of a timeless classic..dont miss it..happy watching..

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more..
that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds..

Saturday, September 02, 2006

where am i??

this past few days..actually weeks..make that months..or is it years??..iv been wasting my time..doing nothing..absolutely wasting it..throwing it down the drain..with no regard to anything..or anyone..and i really dont knw why..i mean..i love what im fact, i chose it much to my whole family's surprise..and a whole lotta frnds too..previously just one person from the whole of kharagpur had ever even thought of pursuing law..i didnt have a clue as to what it would entail..or what it was about..where to apply..what to do..what to prepare..i had no contacts in the field..not even a single lawyer in my whole huge extended family..all docs n engineers n profs n ias officers n businessmen..but a lawyer??..not i had nothing in fact..till january of 2004 i was clueless as to what i wanted to do with my life..the only clear idea i ever had was that i wasnt going to end up in iit kharagpur..bog or otherwise..i mean i liked science n all..always have had a knack for it more than arts..but i was not a fanatic over maths or physics or was just that i was better at it than arts or commerce..but making a career of it!!..never came into life wasnt one filled with plans or was strictly living in the HOWGIHs or HOWGALs for me thnx very much..hehe..n guess if i hadnt come across that ad by prime tutorials i would be doing something entirely english..or mass comm..or even designing or something..but point is..i did see it..and went ahead to their office in cal..n the rest as they say is history..appeared for just three entrance exams that year..(even the worst students in my batch probably appeared for more!!)..lucky for thru at one welcome to national law university jodhpur..

it was my dream come true..(in fact, still is)..i was a bit confused when i came..but within a very short time i knew that this was where i belonged..really n truly belonged..was doing biotech hons. with ll.b hons..combining both my interests..n i was happy..more than i had ever been..i mean..this was the life i had always dreamt of..iv always loved arguing..n have always joked about committing the perfect murder n all..n now i could maybe do it knowing all the loopholes in the all those novels of perry mason in school..hehe..true that my first choice would have been to become a secret agent..hehe..but never mind those childish fantacies..i had arrived!!..finally..the place was great..away from the pollution..great sky..awesome climate..perfect lil single rooms!!..(i was a bit apprehensive about having to live wth someone..i mean..poor girl..)..great mess food..(yeah another thing i was verrry afraid of..having had to hear of the awful inedible stuff they serve in iitkgp)..24/7 net n lan..a great group of friends..i mean..what else does one need in life??..

hehe..anyway..the first sem was a breeze..the best ever..and i dont knw exactly when things started to go downhill..when the novelty wore off..when the monotonousity set in..suffice to say..the rose coloured glasses came off..n then as they say..the rest is again history..

so now..where am i..what am i doing..i have no business wasting my time like in a dream world..refusing to step into reality..even knwing that someday it will all come crashing down as nightmares..oh i soo envy retired people..who have already gone through life..and have only dreams..n why do i do this?? usual excuses of laziness or procastrination with regard to anything even remotely resembling work??..maybe..maybe not..not this not that dumb or throw my life away for a bit of a lie-in..not for this long anyway..or am i?? what is it??..i happen to be perpetually bored..even when i have a million things to do..even watching movies or reading isnt quite as appealing as they seemed to be..nothing is..everything is in like a haze..time flies..just now it was yesterday..and now its today..and before i know it, it will be tomorrow..n i dont knw where all this time fast..days come and like im standing in the middle of..everywhere..and everything is moving..very very streaks u knw..n im perfectly this how a druggie feels??..i wonder..(not seriously no..actually who cares..if im "high" on be it..but somehow i dont quite think so..).. usual my fingers are typing away at something which i have no clue came from where or how..or even why..n i might be making a huge mistake..penning all this down n publishing it like this..but what the hell..wats life without a few mistakes right??..

tada then..