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Thursday, September 07, 2006


back after a bit of a snooze from bloggerworld..been very busy..have a dratted moot tomorrow..ct (thats commercial transactions to the blissfully ignorant)..for which had to submit the memorial this evening..god knows why this guy is such a stickler for day-before-memos..usually one can happily make the memo on the last nite and submit in the morning itself..but not so for biki..oh no..he has to have it before so he can "read" it..which in other terms means him chronicling each and every teeny tiny insignificant mistake made as to get more n more ways of ripping u apart at the moot the next day..him n his dumb comments!! "why have u referred to benjamin when hes been dead for years??"..i mean..wth!!..the next time he even utters the word "benjamin" in class we're gonna ask him the same question..lets see what he can come up with then..a worse pj cracking prof iv never seen..n u hav to laugh at them..coz well..hes the prof..and with his track record n reputation..noones takin chances..hehe..

so anyway..meant to finish the memo last nite itself..but slept off and had to do it in the day..which is pissing off coz had to bunk classes..not that i dont like bunking classes..buttt..attendance!!..and i didnt end up utilising the whole day either as i had expected..ended up wasting a lot of time..but in the end memo done n printed n delivered..well before time..even after having to comb almost the entire univ for the guy who found just that time to go for walks all over the place..finally pinned him down at his m waiting for d-day..i just knw im gonna get screwed..royally..n with "dangerous dave" spouting cpc (the code of civil procedure) mumbo jumbo next to him.. after a while for the night..thinking of a a few choices there..might finally watch poseidon n delete it..been rotting in my comp for ages now..ummm..gonna have a loooong chat with subho again..we've been chatting all the much so that theres almost nothing new to say when im back home for the hols..hehe..anyway..m nt complaining..shes probably the only gud frnd frm kgp that im really in touch with..not counting orkut that is..including that..theres alsmot noone i am not in touch with..hehe..but not quite the same..

so well..gotta go now..dinner beckons..
wish me luck for tomm..

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