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Thursday, September 14, 2006


these past few days..i have opened loads of "create posts" pages..and closed them again due to various reasons..the latest being me accidentally deleting the text before publishing or saving the post..most pissing off..but anyway..mostly its coz i have nothing to write about..weird coz of course things keep happening all the time..yet i have nothing to blog at dinner everyday mads will always have to ask her trademark question "n what have u been upto?"..n to this my stock response is always the monosyllabic "nothing"..without fail..not that i really do nothing..(as in i dont spend my time just staring away into space or anything..though that would also constitute as something..n thinking..or contemplating to use a fancy term for definitely not nothing..) anyway its more like theres nothing "new" that i do..or can write about..the same old monotonous in and day out..everyday..with the possible inclusion of new movies as each day goes..hehe..otherwise nothing else changes..ever..

so m stuck here again.."nothing to declare" as one would tell customs officials (tho why i brought up this similie is beyond me)..whatever..hence without further ado i bid goodbye..with these lines from "incomplete"..backstreet boys..(tho "show me the meaning" still remains my all-time fav from bsb..but right now these words sorta "speak to me")..

I've tried to go on like I never knew you..
I'm awake but my world is half asleep..
I pray for this heart to be unbroken..
But without you all I'm going to be is..incomplete..

ps: done with "smallville"..itching for the 6th season now..

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