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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

home sweet home!!

ahhhhh finally m back..after what surely is an least feels this way..hehe..n such a lotttt has happened since my last post that i quite seriously dunno where to begin..all that last-min-everything-needs-to-be-done-right-now types..assignments, vivas, presentations, moots..n then mom came to visit n my netting was cut down considerably..especially hit was this as my creative juices ran dry..hehe..n just like that - plonk!! - the xams were there..n again just like that - poof!! - gone!!!..before i knew it i was on the homebound train..n its like a second after that that im here now..almost the end of the first proper day into my vacation (not counting those mindless hours in the train..which i slept off most of the time the detriment of my multifarious aches n pains..hehe..

so well..the start of another vacation..n tho can guarantee that il b heartily bored by the end of it..but at least now the feelings fresh n m sooo gonna revel in it..

heres to loadsa fun!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Debbzz,

first of all for those who dont know le me tell them that "You are commited".

Secondly lawyers and docs never go for vacations right ...

they enjoy beating the shit out of people , then why go on a vacation .. he he

chalo then now i know your blog spot i would continue posting .. he he


Debbz said...

heyy sandeep..

plz do keep on it is its like a desert out here with comments like oases..

hehe..first of all, those who read my blog know my "status"..

secondly, im still in college..m gonna have my fill of vacations till i graduate n become a lawyer!!

n beating the shit outta ppl isnt a peice of cake y'know..takes a lotta work..hehe..


ps: btw..y anonymous??..