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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

my first convocation!!

so yesterday was the first convocation for nlu..(n for me as well since i never went for the iit ones n wudnt be allowed anyway..hehe)..the empty field had been transformed with pandals n tents n what-not..initially looked kinda marriage pandal-ish what with all the multi-coloured stuff n red n garish wall pics all over..finally tho it actually turned out to look quite decent by jodhpur standards..hehe..guess its gud to have a low opinion eh??..anyway the experience itself was not quite at par with what we thought it would be like..the degree giving n the gold medal thingy was over before u knew it..tho the seniors did look quite nice with the whole convo get-up..the black robes n sashes n the caps!!..but most hilarious was what all the dignitories n all had to velvet!!..n gold tassels hanging..couldnt believe they actually had a "robing ceremony" for all i do!!!..wish they had allowed cams in tho..would hav taken sum priceless shots..hehe..

anyway the worst part was the neverending stream of the most boring boring BORING speeches by every possible boring person on earth..that too when essentially everyone said the same things over n over n over again..cant they have just gotten over with sumthing like "heyy..congrats dudes n dudettes..wish u all the best in life and make the univ proud"..but nooo!!! has to talk all about what law is and what lawyers should do and shouldnt do and a bunch of other irrelevant stuff in between about the state of the country n the youth's duty n blah n blah n blah!!! as boring a voice as possible..we felt sooooo sleepy..hehe..n on top of that it was too hot in our formals (thank god they didnt stress on the tie!!..would have died with that noose around my neck..hehe)..but overall not bad..n of course the "high tea" was the best..hehe..must have boiled joshijis blood to see us all gobbling down stuff without handing over coupons..hehehehe..

the most awsum part of the convo tho was the holiday today!!..the first time ever in history that nlu has declared an extra holiday for no real reason (for ppl who dont knw..we dont believe in the concept of hols for saraswati puja or bose bday anniversary) it is classes got cancelled yesterday after 10 (officially then..but thanks to pkp's absence n ap singhs classes at all!!!) sunday to tuesday total off..(tho marred by a dumb ad law project..not that i really devoted much time to it..hehe)..not to mention this looong weekend!! the best week ever..hehe..n if we manage to get 27th an unofficial off-day like 1st jan, i might still be able to hop off to del for the weekend!!!..yieeee..well heres to hoping..

anyway so me getting back to 'bleach" (my current anime obsession..its really good tho)..n maybe a movie or two later!!..

ciao for now..

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