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Monday, January 01, 2007

ringing in 2007!!

so here we are year's eve..the end of yet another year..seems like it all passed in a flash..wasnt it just yesterday that we were wishing each other "happy new year 2006"???..n in just a few more minutes i'll be joining the mad rush to wish my friends..hehe..time really is flying too soon..n looking back, there isnt much in particular that was different this time round either..same ol' univ..same kinda studies..same kinda fun..same friends..nothing seems to change other than the date each day..guess all the "eventful life" stuff happens only in sitcoms or movies in which everything seems to change even within that one season..hehe..

so what exactly am i doing in at such a time like this?? cum im so jobless as to be actually blogging rather than partying n painting the town red..hehe..sitting in my room with a motherload of pizzas n garlic breads n an assortment of movies..while there is extra-loud music blaring outside my door n ppl bursting crackers all over the place!!!..not that i didnt go out or enjoy at sir-eee..dinner at pizza hut (the only place which wasnt hosting some "fancy" - read "waaay too pricey" - new year booze party) with the gang..a very fun evening..but nothing particularly "new year-ish" if u knw what i mean..hmmmm..

okay..yeah so this took too long..n now its past happy new year ppl!!!!!!..joined the mad rush to wish n be wished in turn..lingered with friends n exchanged gossip yet we seem to do anytime we get together even if we have the world's most important xam the next day!!!! now its 1.26 n m finally back to blogging again..cant believe i started at 11.45 or so for what i thought would be an extremely small blog account..hehe..actually, it is a very small blog by my standards at least..considering that almost everytime i sit down to write something, i end up typing up this huge manuscript or something..hehe.. guess i should go back to my movie(s)..tho there are maybe a few things at the back of my mind which i do wanna write about but m just too lazy to dig into now..hehe..hmmm..well..a very happy new year to every other jobless person reading this "peice" which can only be a level or two above total crap..heres to writing better blogs in the new year!!!..hehe..

goodnight n good luck..

ps: oh this turns out to be my 1st post of 2007!! :)

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