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Saturday, September 29, 2007

"humma humma"

cultural week on in full swing..last night were the dance recitals..solo, duet n group..n day before yesterday we got the sudden urge to participate..ananya n we thought we'd choose some song n pick up some steps..well n good..the whole day went by n zilch done..n we're like "we are dancing right??..its tomorrow..we'll manage..we have the night.."..well the night came n went..we had fun..did dancing..the day of the competition dawned n us with still no idea as to what we are doing..or whether we are even gonna go through with it or not..riddhis group practising like crazy in the corridor..missing classes n all..but us??..naaaa..pretty chilled..first two periods go by without notice..m half asleep n dozing off..third period mads finds out her moots been postponed to next saturday n she's free too..(n btw..all this time..we are still like.."we are still dancing aren't we??..its this evening!!..we'll manage..") with mads on board as well we finally decide to draw up a list of songs to choose from..3rd class over n still left with this huuuge list..thankfully 4th was hons. classes..which they didnt have n i thought id be done with early coz it was jst this teeny portion of shavii's presentation..but no such luck..thanks to the eternal crap-meister's relentless efforts in keeping us in till the very last moment!!..uggghhh..god!! didnt knw people could actually crap soo much..but lemme not deviate into discussions on crapping prowess exhibited during our cri. hons. classes..that's best saved for another day and another entry..anyway so i finally managed to detach myself n rushed back..hoping that some significant progress had occurred in my absence..thankfully the list had been narrowed down considerably..2.15 n we are down to just two songs..its either "humma humma" or "mangalyam"..but on the flip side, we have class from 2.30 till 4.30 n the thing starts at 7..come 2.45 we are pretty much decided on "humma humma" n have all these random ideas..3.00 we get called to class for pil!!!.. but by 3.30 we are back..pil and ipr attendance taken care of..n 3 joshi's chairs flicked fr props..hehe..n then we really get down to it in earnest..n slowly it all takes form..barely three hours later we can quite proudly say that we've come up with a pretty well choreographed piece..a few finishing touches n practice sessions later we are good to go..last min scramble to get us registered n submit the song in time (the duets n solos had already started by then!!)..found out we're on in 10 mins!!..n we werent even ready yet..somehow managed to dress up n everything in time..n actually with time to spare for some more last min practice n the inevitable oh-my-god-im-gonna-forget-the-steps-n-embarrass-myself-in-front- of-the-whole-univ jitters (n of course the "do i look too fat??" jitters as well..hehe)..n before we knew it, it was our turn..n in a flash it was all over..thankfully we didnt mess it up..didnt forget or stand there looking stupid..n for something cooked up in 3 hours it was jolly good (even if i do say so myself..hehe)..we did get a fair share of cheers n applause..n even had people coming up n saying that they were surprised that we (read "i") could dance at all since this was the first for both mads n me in the univ (not counting the dance party thingies of course)..n apparantly i did not look like a stick up there..yiee me!!..but unfortunately noone payed us the ultimate compliment of "its a gem!! its a gem!!"..hehe..but anyway the whole thing was a hoot..we had an amazing time preparing n dancing..loads of fun..

so well that was it..dead tired after the thing was over..dunno how we managed the trip to n back from sdl..for the first time we actually ordered individual thalis (though we still maintain that its much more fun sharing one n just tearing upon the food as it comes..not to mention its amazing for the pocket too..hehe)..hogged like no tomorrow..felt like we hadnt eaten in the time we were done i was feeling all laaazzzyy n satisfied which comes only with a well fed tummy..hehe..dnt remm the return journey much..came back to room..verrry "drunk" (but then m perpetually that way according to mads..hehe)..legs were killing me by then..just wanted to drop on the bed n never wake up again..but had work..n still had to make that crappy presentation fr today as well..almost made me wanna go bang my head sumplace..thankfully i had already pretty much completed the research aspect of it n just the typing was left..managed to make some sense outta it somehow..left almost half to be done this morning..was gonna wake up early but for me thats but a dream rt??..hehe..anyway managed to finish it properly and on time..regardless of lappy charger malfunctions (more like non-functions), mysterious disappearances of saved material n untimely power cuts..but alls well that ends well..presentation went fine..even though vss did come back halfway through it (yeah he wasnt supposed to be thr..but much to gas' glee he returned early) n there was a lotttt of crap flung around as usual..n my 20 mins presentation dragged on for the whole hour..n now hopefully those two will decide among themselves how much they wanna give me..

anyway m too sleepy again now..but m in suchhhh a bugging kinda mood..n theres noone to bug..aaahhhhhh!!!..its been a looong time since i actually wanted to bug someone soo much..but no wud probably not be that much fun with me feeling sooo sleepy like this..whatever..m just gonna go ahead n start dreaming..theres this very specific idea i have right now..would luuuv to dream abt better get a move on before i get all wakey-wakey again..

jaa mata ne!!
ciao.. :)

ps: dandiya night tomm..n only ananya wants to go while the rest of us think that its just too much of a pain to get all dressed up n everything..but i know that even after all our plans of not going, in the end we'll all end up going last time also it was a last min plan n we went verry late n ended up taking too many pics as usual with not much dancing thrown in..anyhoo..m going out so m ruled out anyway (too bad would miss the scavenger hunt as well)..but lets see if we all have a night out or i get dragged in after iv come back!!

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