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Saturday, February 09, 2008


"there is no such thing as perfection. this world itself is imperfect. that's what makes it so beautiful."

perfection is a is not is not perfect..even fiction is not perfect..there are no books, no movies, no serials n yes no anime either, which show a perfect life..even a fairytale always starts with something missing..if everything and everyone was always happy, right from the beginning, there would be no story..imagine how exciting a movie would be if the hero and heroine meet, fall in love, get married, have kids, grow old and eventually die..totally normal..leading perfect - boring - lives..if nothing happens to them - no parental opposition, no test of true love and such crap, if one of the kids doesn't grow up to be a murderer and the other a policeman - it isn't really a movie is it??..every work of "fiction" shows how every ordinary person has something extraordinary happen to the person has to go thru all sorts of just wouldn't be interesting without it..perfect people leading perfect lives are boring..however cliched it may sound, but life exists because there are imperfections..

we crave perfection how we crave paradise..even when we are sure that such a place exists only in our dreams..forever we chase this elusive ever-changing notion of kids, we think becoming an adult would be "perfect" grown-ups, that "perfect job" or that "perfect guy/girl" would be our goal..becoming filthy rich, earning more than what we can spend, buying perfectly useless things just because we can..that becomes our ideal..but as times change, our desires change and perfection is not as we had imagined it to be..even though the public would envy rich businessmen or movie stars, they themselves would be heard cribbing about their lives..happiness, it seems, is not attached too much to perfection..coz we can be pretty much happy without having to be perfect..though maybe to be truly happy is perfection in itself (hmm..interesting idea, that..)..if so, then perfection has actually been achieved by almost everyone at some point or the is the matter of retaining it that's the problem it seems..coz even though i can very truthfully say that after every demented session with my friends..every time im in the middle of an amazing book, movie or anime..every time m feeling all lazy and well-fed..every sunday i wake up at some ungodly hour of morning and realise that i can sleep on till the afternoon..every time i strike an amazing bargain at some roadside stall..every time i've conned joshiji outta a few bucks!! (hehe)..and sooo sooo many other times..i have been sooo happy i could float up into the air in a huuuge mass of i still wouldn't call my life "perfect"..satisfactory certainly..very much so..probably couldn't ask for much more..but perfect??..naaaah..if i could remain as lazy as i am and still top the batch and get an amazing job without any effort at all..or better still, just win a big enough lottery and be set up for life..or best of all, have yamapi fall for me and go live in my beloved that would be "perfect"!!..but till then, i'd just be leading a "satisfied" life rather than a "perfect" one..but this imperfect life of mine - with all its moments of sadness, loneliness, pain - probably makes me treasure the times of happiness more; and that, i am happy to say, is what makes it so much more "perfect"..

woah..i can be deep n philo too when i get into one of my weird yeah m pretty much into one of my "moods" now..n lately i've rediscovered my "random spurts of poetic outbursts" side..hehe..n unlike the last few times, this time round i've actually written a few lines down, crappy as they are..if (n that's a huuuuge "if") i actually manage to make any sense outta them n finish them sometime in the near future, guess i'd put up a few here..again, stress on the big big biiiigg "if"..

well me outta here for now..

ps: it was apparantly forecasted that jodhpur temperature would drop to a record low of 0 degrees tonight!!..don't quite see that's cold yeah but not that freezing..tho yeah i did almost get frostbite while taking a bath this evening..*brrrr*..inside the room tho, its positively toasty..hehe..

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