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Thursday, January 31, 2008

emo angsting at its zenith??

"feel like burying myself inside the pile of blankets..feel like locking the door and throwing the key away..feel like drowning myself in something..anything..just to be able to not think about..anything..just not have to normal routine of numbing myself by watching movies..immersing my consciousness into reading or listening to music..till i am actually physically too exhausted to think straight..then dropping into go back to watching some dream or the other..and again to wake up to the same routine..repeated again..and again..and yet again..a monotonity that is as boring as it is comforting..a series of meaningless events just to pass the time..that's what my life has been reduced room that has become almost a's as if one world ends outside the door..and another begins on the opposite world..where everything is "peachy"'s like a broken record that is stuck at the same note..and short of pulling the plug on the machine i can't stop the noise..point is..where's the switch??"

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