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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"wait, did that really happen??" *pinch* "owwww!!..yeah 'tis real yieeee!!"

heya peepli!!..m like dancing on air right now..guess why??..i've finally gotten a hold of these few anime series id been looking for..for like ages..n cudnt get it anywhere online..not fast streaming anyway..since they were licenced n veoh blocked out (yeah our univ being the best n all blah blah crap crap)..n rava-san was sweet enough to offer and ACTUALLY live up to it n deliver!!!..all the way across the courier no less..40 gbs of stuff id been dying to watch for really never imagined that sumone would do it just like that..he's either have to be this incredibly sweet n generous guy..or the ultimate baka on earth!!..i hope its the first but does it matter either ways??..n my friends were all like "ehhh..??..u can't trust're soo getting conned..u sure he didnt send u porn??"..n m like wth with that?? O_o srry but i fail to get why sumone would go to all that trouble n spend bundles to courier me 10 dvds of porn of all things!!!..i mean seriously!!..n wen i told mum that sum "jap freak guy i met on orkut" sent me stuff, she got all concerned n was like he'd turn out to be sum sorta stalker..haha..n i was going..yeah i need to look for one online for that..plenty of those back home really don't get why ppl r sooo wary of it..not like he can send me a letter with anthrax or a bomb by mail right?? wats the big deal??..n if anything untoward were to happen, well blocking ids has always worked quite successfully in the past..n should i really care if he turns out to be some lecherous old 50 year old geezer??..he sent me stuff n thats all that matters right??..wat exactly can a lecherous old guy sitting miles away do anyway??..since its me, its likely hes the one to be ending up on the wrong side of me got like a huuge load of anime n doramas n jap stuff (yesss..liar game too..finally!!!) yieeee japs ftw!!!

jst that for now..lots have happened n lots r happening every day..but me too lazy to be writing it seems..over the "blogging phase" for the time being..right now on a major manga reading sooo much yaoi that my head is buzzing..n normal ones too..but wat sucks the most is updating mal all the time..n that too wen all the titles aren't even listed..n thats not counting the millions of doujins i've probably read!!! downloading all these amazing jap songs..real songs n not just osts for a change..n could finally listen to them properly while reading..

also..started yet another vid.."mistress deal ~ the sequel~" eh??..hehe..its gonna have allllll our pics..n a full song this suddenly inspired by ananyas midnite bday bash n our consequent dementedness..just needed to get all those pics into a vid asap..sat down an aftee n tried it out..selected the clips..the music..put 'em up n made titles..managed to make an intro 2 mins down..2 to go!!..lessee wen i actually manage to finish it..considering my last one still remains un-captioned..ghosty will kill me for making one about only the three of us..again..n speaking of ghosty..she topped the intras!!..ain't that cool or wat!!..okee i knw that was just a totally random comment..anyway to get back on track..i just wish that sum nice witty captions would pop in my head as i see the pics..but all i do is laugh n think about the times wen we tuk the pics n thats it!!..n m guessing "hehe" or variations of it wouldn't sit well with every pic!!!

well so thats it for now..
jaa ne!! >_<

ps: n speaking of irritating guys (ok so we weren't exactly speaking of that..well now we to continue)..hirak needs to seriously get off his emo angsty high horse..every time he comes online with that sickly sweet hi-hello thing..*shudders*..god wat a gem is wat i think..n have this irresistible urge to smack his face into the ground n say "dirt!! it!!!!" *demented venomous tone* dunno why (ok yeah i have a bucketload of reasons why!) but this guy is just..wrong..n very disgustingly ewww getting back to nice jap stuff to purge off that thought..eww..eww..eww..*shudder shudder shudder*


Anonymous said...

what stops u frm doing it ....

Debbz said...

oh cute..real cute..

Anonymous said...

u don't mean it ....
do u ....?

Debbz said...

mean what??

Anonymous said...

"oh cute..real cute.."

Debbz said...

sure i meant it..u dnt get sarcasm do u??
n anyway ppl its no business of shud jst buzz off..dats wat it meant in case u didnt get it d first time..jst to b clear..

Anonymous said...

"sarcasm!!! how could u do this to me ... :("
u wanna listen to this girl...u get it