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Sunday, September 27, 2009

a month of firsts..

september of unforgettable month..there was just soo much crammed into these 30 days..has to be the most eventful n most memorable month this year, if not ever..

this was the month i became "deboleena mitra, advocate" instead of just plain "deboleena mitra"..this was the month i started wearing the gown n band n going to court not just as another intern..this was the month when i accepted my first vakalatnama..filing my first case..winning my first case..first time praying for time before a judge n almost choking at the first try coz of nerves..first time getting over the nerves n learning that i have an actual "voice" as opposed to the "squeak" i had made earlier..first time arguing before a judge without a safety net (ergo joy sir) and winning (n my legs were literally shaking the entire time!!)..first time getting squished into 2D in court 5 during the last min puja rush..first time coming back home at night feeling like my legs would fall off but waking up in the morning n going at it again..n the first time getting my actual "khoon paseene ki kamai" :P

also the first time i came to kgp after such a long time n didnt go out to meet a single person..made a few frnds quite mad in the process i guess..the first time in years that we celebrated moms bday with a homemade cake n all..again a first that i m in bengal n havnt gone out to see pujas properly yet..but even so its the first puja that has been so totally n completely fruitful (really properly leeched off the iit lan..n god its more awsum than before!!!!!

n even tho there r a few days left still (among which will be the first time id meet up with ghosty n not go to hatari!!) which may or may not make it a more memorable month, all in all it was by far the best month of the year!..i just hope it gets better n better frm now on..touchwood.. :P

anyhoo..gotta get back to watching all that iv leeched till now lest i end up with shortage of space XD
toodlio fr now..


Anonymous said...

great going! goodluck

Debbz said...

dusnt it strike u as a teensy bit cowardly to b anon all d time??

Anonymous said...

"all d time" ?

Debbz said...

"all d time" coz ur nt too anon wen i can track my visitors u knw :P

next time choose a blog wich dusnt have those things enabled..

Anonymous said...

:D Smart

Debbz said...

yeah i care to temme who u r or do i hav to disable anon comments totally..??

Anonymous said...

Smart ass!

..don't forget to disable both name and annon comments to know who is commenting

..even then there r trillion ways

Debbz said...

its so on!!

Kidd™ said...

hee hee...sahi hai...can I join the battle?? :P

Debbz said...

yeah sure..the more the merrier..tho didnt u just lose the battle?? :P