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Sunday, July 16, 2006

back again...

so here i am..back to blogger world aftr a week long siesta..the reason for which is my current obsession with ebooks and transcripts and "flame of recca" (as is my all-time fav obsession of laziness..hehe)..been smacking them up like anything these past few days..and reccas a new addition to my many anime totally hooked up this vacation since this was the only channel which served stuff in english (whew..cant stand the hindi dubbed cartoons..jarrs really..)..and was actually surprised to see favs like "ghost in the shell", "wolf's rain", etc..well..back to the present..been downloading episodes like crazy..2nd foray into this sorta thing after "helsing"..which was goooddddd..even tho jst 13 eps...

hmm..been into transcripts for long now (much to my frnds bewilderment..wich i totally fail to understand btw..) well as ebooks..but not with quite this kind of a bit of "24" to make up for sum lost episodes in b/w..started into soppy mushy nora roberts fare..well u gotta guess exactly how jobless iv gotta be to resort to thatt!!..but then its a change from all the thrillers n stuff i usually read..and surprisingly some of them are not quite as mindless as regular dumby mbs..which is saying something.. like theres nothing else to say..or maybe there is but cant pen it down..or m jst downright gotta go get ready for dinner now..

so..until the next time the blogging itch takes me over..