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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


the title says it all..i am lazy..with a capital L...n a capital A...n a capital Z..n a capital Y!!!...LAZY!!! now that thats out in the open..lets delve into the causes..hmmmm...naaa...too lazy fr that as well...hehe :D..well guess iv always been kinda lazy..deadlines and last minute work keeps me on my sluggish toes..but of late iv become even more lazy!!..wish i could stay this way all front of my comp..staring into short my whole life is wrapped up in here..all my friends are also in here..just this evening subho was saying that naali never keeps in touch and finds bahanas for not calling n all..set me wondering..coz even i never call anyone (testimony my huuuge balance..gotta do sumthing about that..wat'll i do if it gets lost or stolen!!)..and if not for net..probably i would be the one thinking up excuses..but now that we chat almost everyday..doesnt seem to be any reason to call up..fact of the matter is..apart from birthdays n other special occassions (and sometimes even not then..) i never call any of my old school friends..usually we stay in touch thru orkut or ym or gtalk (amazing inventions all!!)..and dont even mail that much..and forwards dont count..maybe i should make it a point to call them more..but then that brings me back to square lazzzyyyy!! :D

so now..why exactly am i typing all this..dunno..maybe to the end that it'll drive my laziness away..tho dont quite see that happening..dont even wanna watch a movie..and on top of that lans nt wrkin properly now..too slow fr us gals..n ders sooo many gud movies der!!!..but moot point..coz dont wanna watch any..actually m in the middle of one right now..but.."netting away"!! only solace in times of boredom n laziness...

anyway..watched "corporate" this sunday...ananyas treat!!..well..we were thinking of "superman returns"..but only in hindi in jodhpur-back-of-beyond...sooo..u get the drift..."kkrish" would be better i guess..hehe...had quite a lotta fun...n great weather to compliment it..left late n all..but thankfully got tickets..awesome movie..tho not palatable for all i know..too gritty n realistic..but i for one liked it..a kinda slow moving sometimes..but very well made..and at the end of it i was actually impressed that they had at least some basic knowledge of our legal/judicial system..not like the regular bolly flicks..

well..started off with being lazy..n then on to friends..and movies??..dun think im making any sense here..but then i rarely do..even to myself..n thats saying a lot!!..mads n ghosty are continuously complaining of that..mads toh even "switches off" sometimes..n goes around advertising the fact to ppl!!..that wretch..(tis ok..ur still my u-knw-wat)..hehe..tho i guess i dont generally aim my thoughts on/at doesnt matter anyway..

hmmm..making even less sense now..quite tempted to delete all this and start over again whn i am in a saner mood!!..but what the blog n my dumb it is its titled "crazzzy times"!! craziness being the whole point of it..but before i go over to the totally delusional..guess id rather stop.. :)

so thats it for now..

[ps: lets see if anyone comments on my totally wacky weird craziness..hehe]


Unknown said...

come back to reality,
its very much needed

Debbz said...

this is my reality...

Anonymous said...

haha...u were LAZY i thought, and wrote up such a long post!
i wanna watch Corporate when it comes here. Absolutely not interested in Krissh.
i know exactly what u mean by not calling ppl. i am the SAME way! i dont call ppl, (have accumulated about 4000 minutes from roll-overs over the months) and ppl get mad at me cuz I dont return calls :p I'm just not the phone type...dun like talking on the phone at all. i guess i'm too lazy for that ;) i'd rather see smn in person..or of course, internet. I think internet is taking over our lives...i hate it though. spend so mch time sitting here...murdering time, and then the guilt kicks in which is ever more horrendous! THE HORROR!

Debbz said...

exactly my point..n i know dat if i didnt hav 2 go bak 2 kgp fr my hols..i probably wudnt b in touch with loads of dem..

n how can u hate internet???....anyway good fr me..less competition fr "my luv"...hehe..

Anonymous said...

lazy indeed!
havent updated in a while...don't u think?

Debbz said...

yeah i know..jst supremely lazy of me!!