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Monday, August 20, 2007

night out!!

so last night..was our night out..yeah well not exactly in the strict literal sense..but it was night n we ver hell yeah it was our night out!! :D

anyway..last night was freshers' nite.."incandescence"..nice name..nice deco..terrible food..but thats all hearsay..coz we ver out!!..oh yeah!!..out!!..headed for the far beyond armed with a night out paint the town red sorta..not that jdp presents a very conducive environment for that..n after all we ver all "good lil girls" at heart..hehe..lemme start making sense of all this blabberness ( that even a word??)..anyhoo..basically we didnt wanna go to freshers this time..what with next time being our last year n thus making it an obligation on our presence..hence we decided to ditch it this time n go out n hav some fun of our own..n since we knew that our darling shyamala being the hormonal b**** she is these days would definitely not give permi fr a late out w/o asking like a zillion questions n probably try n coerce us into goin fr freshers..hence the night out stating the official reason as a visit to ananyas place..but as it turned out she wasnt around n we got her hubby to do the dirty work fr us..tee hee!!

okee so me n ghosty went on a lil ahead to do a lil shopping n a lil couriering n a lil packing delicious (n surprisingly cheap!) chopsuey n a lil gorging on d best hot chocolate fudge ever (seriously..the bessssttt!!!)..met this bunch of gems at fun n' food..which made me realise that all our univ gems r probably all from gud ol' jdp!!!..there must b sum gem factory around here sumplace..mass production of gems!!!..i can actually see these countless gems getting "manufactured".."gemness" poured into them..moving around this huuge room on this conveyor belt thingy!! talk abt "fertile imagination"!! (yes that ones fr ur viewing pleasure my dear friend-who-wishes-to-be-identified-as-"xyz")..anyway then we met the others in pizza hut n gorged again..n now they hav pepperoni personal pan too..yiee me!!..took like a tonnnne of pics..m sure the ppl on the next table were giving us real weird looks..oh yeah they've got this new thing food fest or sumthg like that..n with it a new dance like they had in d first few days..hehe..hilarious..hopefully they'll retain it till the next time we decide to grace them with our presence..well we were done pretty early there..n with a permi to stay out as late as v want..dnt need any other excuse now do we..n after our "adventure" the other day we were looking fr a repeat performance..n the wilder the on to geoffreys!! been waiting for this day to come fr god knows how long..n finally last night it was fulfilled..drrrrrrrrrr dum dum dum!!!..I GOT DRUNK!!..yiee!! woohoo!! yippie!! woopie doo!!..confetti-in-the-air-
all-ruined!!..yeah well not exactly drunk..but since my previous forays into the world of drinks has been limited to the strictly medical or experimental or culinary n all provided by my esteemed parents hence rendering it all harmless..therefore i find it proper to christen this time as my official first time..even if it was just one cocktail..with what seemed like negligible amount of vodka..but vodka yeah finally i did one thing which only an adult can do..legally..wich kids have been doin illegally fr years lets not go into that me n "xyz" (yes the same one as referred to earlier) had cocktails..while mads n ghosty shared a "muddy water" (sum sorta chocolate shake thingy)..mads n "xyz" had a peanut aiming contest which was depressingly one-sided..n ghosty got high on either that or the miniscule amount of smoke lingering around our table..bottom line the people who actually did drink remained stone cold sober while the one sans even a drop of alcohol in her bloodstream behaved drunk..just one of lifes many lil mysteries..really ironic..n sad fr me coz i was really hoping sumthg wud happen..n was sorely disappointed when it had lesser effect than diluted pepsi..oh well theres always a next time i lounged around there for sumtime n finally decided we should be getting a move on around 11.30 or so..a great ride back..just luuuv goin bak late at nite wen its all dark n silent n cool..reached univ jst after midnite..thus ending our "night out"..freshers was still on..but it would be kinda cheap to jump in like that w/o paying jst to dance..n we were dead tired anyway n at least i was in no mood to go bak to "room sweet room" n "bed comfy bed" fr us..n one ep of haruhi later i was dead to the world..

in other news..these past few days..watched "suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu" aka "the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya"..had heard of this one from many a die-hard haruhi-ist chanting stuff like "haruhi kami-sama desu"..well apparantly its all true..n guess what??..the universe does revolve around her n will end if she gets bored or mad or sumthg..which makes for one hell of a wacky weird totally demented other words..i luuuuuv what with haruhi-ism n waiting for the latest eps of my regular animes..n two eps of "hana kimi" (yeah got too bored of sars to upload on cr n ended up watching it on yt itself..cant blv its gonna b ending in like 4 eps or so..gonna miss it..dats like the one bad thing abt jdoramas..they end too soon..hopefully there'll b another season like the tw version)..pretty nice week iv had all in all..

sooo..been writing this one for ages too..time to wind it up..seems like every time i get down to pen sumthg down i invariably have to do a million n one things in b/w..this time it was a trip down to ananyas room to return sum stuff which naturally turned into this looooong adda session (n ur coffee is gr88..there! now thats on record dont go around being all modest abt ur brewing skills..hehe)..n random chat sessions with ppl..n watching this n that in between..checking fr sum like i said..i manage to drift a all the time..n now m likely to go into a long drawn-out explanation of sum incident highlighting my drifting abilities to the fullest..thereby drifting away from the main point here..which was to end this thing fr now..

so..jaa mata ne!!


Anonymous said...

hey 'otaku'( i hope i gt that rite)... its gr8... n i luv it [specially the bit abt my coffeeeee... :D ... ok, jus kiddin u knw!!..btw thanks..:)]....

gud thing, u pen it down( n very nicely at that).... cn always luk it up n reminisce n smile abt the time we spent....

write more often...wudnt ya...

Debbz said...

heyy narcissa (guess dats better dan narcissistic bitch!)

yep u got dat bang on target!!..thnx fr all d appreciation..means a lot dat at least sumone reads dis hogwash..hehe..

n i do try n write as often as u knw me n my laziness :P

keep reading!!