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Thursday, September 06, 2007

this, that, dreams n la la la vidz..

exactly like the title says..this n that being my usual spree of anime, random jap stuff n drooling over a chibi yamapi..whos unbelievably cuteeee (had to pause the eps every few secs just to look at him n go "awwwww"..hehe..n he was born an amazing actor apparantly!!..n it also had my bakanishi!!!..chibi cuteness personified..hehe..if i was in an anime/dorama id probably be unconscious due to massive nosebleeds by now :D..before i get carried away into which is probably my ten-thousandth daydream of me n yamapi (..sitting in a tree..k-i-s-s-i-n-g)..ok sorry now that was totally random..hehe..just remembered from this one fanfic i was reading the other day..which would also fall under my "this n that" category..or my "things which induce massive nosebleeds" category as well..hehe..really some of them r just sooo good u freaking forget they arent canon!!!..or u freaking forget wat was canon in the first place..hehe..anyhoo..back to this n that..been spending waaayy too much time doin random netting n pic hunting..n reading doujins..n god r they addicting!! (*nosebleed alert*)..n so are anime/dorama osts..n when both go together..well suffice to say iv been seen floating around a good few feet above ground..n have it on good authority that i sing "weird songs in some apparantly made-up language (aka jap!)" in the shower..n mads n ananya have to bear me spouting random jap stuff to them like all the time..or deal with a very dreamy me with a million watt smile ranting on about how my name in jap is "yamashita emi" (how did that come about i still dnt get btw!!..but who m i to complain wen the results r.....well u get the picture :P)..which apparantly solemnifies my destiny to b married to my dear darling yamapi..or "pi-tan" as i now very affectionately call him..hehe.. other drunk again last saturday..looks like m turning into quite the alcoholic..hehe..but as effect..but at least better than last time..n waaaay better than wait-wat-was-her-name-again's real orange juice masquerading as screwdriver..hehe..n next time (yes we both are already planning for a "next time") its gonna be that red stuff namita was sip of which was enough for all of us to get that "warm inside" hopefully later on this month or next month or hopefully in the very near future my finally-drunk antics will be chronicled here..hopefully wen i do get drunk i will have someone online to bug or freak fun otherwise right??..wats the use of getting drunk if noones there to take advantage of it..n m sure that theres at least one guy who would be only too happy to exploit my defences-down-self to extract "valuable information" (watevr that may b..since theres not much that i knw that he wud wanna knw if it were the other way round that wud b a totally different matter..but then id probably be the last person he'd talk to wen drunk purely coz of these very reasons..fufufu..if he ever did get drunk that is..which dusnt seem to be a valid it would be "profitable" if it did happen..hehe)..but then he would probably not try anythg coz he'll be too suspicious that its all an act to make a fool outta him..cant blame him for being cautious now can i..especially after certain..lets just call them "incidents" (if ur reading this subho u knw wat m talkin about..n if ur not subho..well u have no idea wat m talkin abt n i wud rather keep it that there!!)..anyway both the times that i got "drunk" there wasnt anyone to "share" it with..hehe..not like it mattered coz i wasnt really drunk..but it would hav been fun to pretend fr sometime at least..but nopes ppl just seem to disappear any time i actually wanna blab (n no..appearing at 5.30 in the morning dusnt help!!)..but they will sit n bug n bore me to death at every other time..especially wen m at a particularly impt point in one of my animes..seriously..wud i rather see an allen v/s rhode fight or kazuma n ayano not-flirting or chat with random ppl who apparantly think "hi..wassup" chats r the most interesting things on the planet!!..i mean really..if ur online n i havnt messaged doesnt mean im waiting fr u to do the honours..rather that m nt in the mood to blab..or that im too busy to even notice ur online..both of wich boils down to the fact that I DON'T WANNA CHAT WITH U!! i really have to have my status as "dnd" to hav a lil peace n quiet??..umm..ok mayb that came out a lil harsher than expected..but then m really pissed at ppl like that..almost as pissed as i am with random "plis franship with me" ppl..not as much as pigeons of course..or gems..hehe..(n no this "no chat" policy of mine does not extend to the few ppl in my life who i wud very much like to spend the rest of my life chatting with if the opportunity shud so no ananya u dnt need to come crying into my room wen u read this..ur in wat iv termed "the safe zone" for the others in the zone..i trust u knw who u r..or u cud come crying to my room for clarifications :P) on..updated my profile n lists on these two anime news(?) sites..actually browsed thru ets list n that set me off..(drat that guy fr giving me the list..that too on a sunday morning..made me waste too much time..everyone knws how i get wen i get my hands on a random anime browsing site!! thankfully that got my mind off my damn "boyfriend"..wich i now remember again..dat darn et!!..pisses me off even wen hes not there)..anyway so i updated my lists too..cudnt blv the number of animes id watchd since waaaay back wen i had made the profiles..hehe..but its such a pain to add them all..thank god i cud export the list to the 2nd site..would have died if id actually had to do it over again..but basically i revisited all my old anime favs..watched a few old eps as well..felt soo nostalgic to watch "love hina"..had completely forgotten about good ol' "naru punch"..hehe..n "inuyasha" n "ouran" n all the others..oooohh n it felt soo nice afterwards..

okee now that i scroll up its actually become a reaallllyyyy long entry..n m still stuck on the "this n that" part n havnt even touched on the "dreams n lalala vids" yet..well to get on with it then..dreams..been having these totally realistic dreams lately..yes even more realistic than usual..n thats saying sumthg since most of the times m nt sure wethr wat i recall r real memories or frm sum dream i had sum nite..but these few dreams stand out..n i mean really stand out..n i guess this is wat actually prompted me to click on the lil "new blog" thingy in the first place..before i got sidetracked by my this's n thats..but then iv always been known to deviate..frm id start with luking up a new anime title..n end up finishing this completely different anime..n dnt even get me started on deviations during conversations..see??..m doin it now where was i?? dreams..woke up this evening with yet another amazing one..its weird how the best dreams iv had have always been wen i overslept..well rather not deviate onto a discussion on my wacky sleeping patterns again it was a mix of here n kgp n previous "dream worlds"..annual day cum children's nite (again!)..dads office (2nd appearence)..rain (but of course)..the eden gardens circle in cal with wat looked like whitehall in it (m sure that will feature again in one of my other dreams later)..subho (shes a regular guest star now..hehe)..aro (probably a first..not counting the "everyone in class" dreams)..random faceless strangers (i probably knew who they were while in the dream bt right now hav no idea in hell)..something about alibis n sum plan..n a huge snake of anaconda proportions (n that was just totally random..dunno y i was even thinking that!)..well right now writing abt the dream it seems really idiotic..but blv me wen i say it was a gud one wen i was "in" it..thats all fr todays one..but the one i really wanted to write abt lest i forget abt it happened quite a few days back..sumtime last week i of those times wen i went to sleep in the evening after pulling an all-nighter the day of those just-crashed-into-bed-dead-to-the-world times..n wow wat a dream i had..better than even my well thought out ones..memory really fuzzy now grandmoms place (not the first time)..1st floor (now that almost *never* happens)..set in one of my dream worlds..probably part of world of my "picnic trip" dream..same green meadows around the house..slightly hilly..this time with some flowers sumver..but thats nt even close to the gud part..i kinda remm the first half of it being mayb a lil exciting or my usual ones..but wat i really remm really clearly starts frm wen i was in the house..upstairs..doing sum stuff on a its getting dark outside..n guess who walks in???!!!..random or wat??..n he can apparantly teleport himself..yeah dunno y i knw that or y i even dreamt probably got sumthg to do with that almost blank first half of the dream..(for ppl who r unaware of my dreaming patterns..i get loads of these weird sci-fi dreams..or just downright crazy dreams where i have "powers"..n yeah m aware that freud wud have had a field day with me..hehe)..anyway so et lands up..with wat can only be termed as a sleeping bag..all nicely folded n in its cover of course..or it mite have been jst a small side-pillow (id rather keep thinkin of it as a sleeping bag..coz i really dnt think id b dreaming of et with pillows..not that m partial to him with sleeping bags either..but then..waaahhhh..just lemme get on with the dream!!)..but thats not really very important..wat was hilarious really was wat he did..apparantly he had been looking fr me all over (actually "everyone" was..since id disappeared after some "incident"..oh how i wish the first half was clearer) naturally i got all busy tidying up the table so we cud leave..but lo n behold!..wat does he do??..switch on the tv n put a movie in!!! (yeah now et n movies do go better than pillows rt??..hehe) apparantly he now wants to watch the movie..hehe..n it seems that i hav to comply!! (which m probably quite happy to anyway..cmon..papers on a table v/s movie..wich do u think wud win??) theres this divan there in front of the tv n m sitting on the floor with my back against it (yeah that used to be my fav pose wen we watched tv upstairs anyway) i have to look up slightly to see the screen..n where's et u might ask??..plonked on the table right in front of me..n he now apparantly wants to talk!!..well anyone who knws me evn a lil knows how i get wen sumone blocks my view..n i really dnt need much of a reason to b mad at him anyway rt??..suffice to say that i was emanating some decidedly murderous aura (picture it anime style!!)..n the next thing i knew i was plucked up n put on the divan so i cud watch properly again..wat happened later..well im again a bit fuzzy about it..i still distinctly remm feeling extremely confused with my mind on an eternal "eeeehhhhhhh????"..but i think i watched the movie..(actually y i dreamt up this whole sequence i hav no idea..coz it dusnt really seem to fit into the main dream..but wen i woke up the next day n recalled it i remm i laughed aloud fr 5 full minutes..tho now i have no idea y..dusnt seem all that funny in hindsite..just plain weird n very unnecessary actually) clear memory is of me fleeing the house for sum reason (again refer to the blank first half) n getting pulled into someones backyard thru a fence (u knw where one of the panels revolves sumhow n u can get in that way??)..n who do u think pulled me in n most likely saved me from watevr i was running frm??..n this was the best part of the whole dream..guess guess..nothing??..hehe..well il kill all the suspence then..yagami raito himself!! all his kira-ness glory..hehe..n since its all AU, hes nt dead (yeah like duuhh!!..its *my* he'd die there), theres no annoying misa-misa n no freaky perpetually-on-a-sugar-high alphabet-ppl..well come to think of it..theres no ryuk either..or a death probably no kira either..but never mind all that..its enough that raito's there n hes mine..actually m nt quite sure of that last bit coz mads had to find jst that moment to call me fr dinner, waking me up from raito-n-me-drowning-in-each-other's-eyes-goodness (ok mayb thats an overenthu exaggerated mushy fluff..but it cud happen..sumtime..hehe)..basically with that my dream flew away like a feather frm my hands (yes i jst watchd a ff8 amv..n squalls too hot fr his own gud!!)..i did manage to get back to bed within a few minutes but that moment was lost matter how hard i much i thought n thought n thought abt it..i just couldnt continue the dream..the rest of the night dreamt loads of mini dreams..even one about death note..n again upstairs in my grandmoms place..i was soo sure that i would be able to pick up where i left off..but nopes..turns out i just watched the whole l n raito getting soaked in rain part (the one jst b4 l's death)..but set in the terrace n the balcony of this place..even saw the whole drying off n foot massage part (now that jst screams yaoi!!)..disappointing to say the least..anyway by the time i realised that i was not gonna b able to go back to that dream n finally woke up it was aftee of the next day..n id slept for nearly 20 hours!!..needless to say woke up feeling all hung over (n missing classes..again..hehe)..but wat can i say..once m in one of my dreams reality takes a step backward..n i just plain luv my dreams far too much to come of out it soon..its like watching a movie while sleeping..n most of the times i watch dreams in "episodes" or get "sequels" to particularly gud dreams (fingers crossed fr this one!!)..which makes it seem even more like sum movie..n basically all of them make me feel really nice in the mornings (or wenever i get up actually..hehe) n kinda sad that m awake again..anyway id probably luv to keep on dreaming i think if i ever went into a coma n started probably never wanna cum back that too demented or morbid??

anyhoo..iv really gotta end this now..probably the world's longest blog..ever..certainly bests all of my previous efforts..n its not even taken me that long..its just been one huge writing this is it..a dreamy (eternally!) highly anaemic (thanks to all my recent nosebleeds) completely crazy (now thats stale news by now i guess) blogger (now that actually sounds tame compared to wat came b4..but wat can i say..m too lazy n muddled to think up something wait! i did.."la la la"..hmmm..nopes..still too tame..*sigh*) signing off now to get back to her dreams..

jaa ne!!

ps: totally forgot about the la la la vid part..guess thats saved for next time then..this is just waay too long fr me to squeeze that in as well..n theres an "add video" option to blogs too (just noticed!) il probably attach the vid itself next time round..once i actually manage to save it that is!! :)

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