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Thursday, May 08, 2008

thought for the day: "of talk..or the lack of it.."

what do i talk about..nothing really..anytime anyone asks me "hi..wassup??", my one standard answer would always be "nothing"..or variations thereof..or if there's a lull in the conversation and the dreaded "wat else" comes to be asked..again the same answer is provided..however its more often than not found that i remain chatting with people for hours on end..talking about this very same "nothing"..right now too jst got off the phone..spent more than 200 bucks calling up sum guy (who'll kill me if he reads this n sees himself addressed as merely "sum guy" i really can't point out what amazing conversation we conducted for the past 2.5-3 odd hours..but i wasn't bored for a second of it..tho i cant say that it was stuff of legends was just..something..guess its the same with chats..i chat all night with people on conversations wich start out as both of us having nthg to convey..and end up as god knows record being more than 10 hours at a stretch talking to this guy who till that time id never spoken to in my life and had just added coz he was an ex-classmate..i hav no idea how the time passed but pass it did..and it was amazing how i could actually talk of completely inconsequential things for what amounted to half a day straight!!

its weird coz i know exactly how much i can actually contribute to an active conversation..before long the "aar ki" phenomenon comes along..every single time..and i am very conscious of the fact that i actually have nothing i wanna say..but somewhere down the line i realise its hours later and im still speaking to the person..and its not like he/she is the only one speaking and im just keeping mum and nodding along..i realise im speaking too, tho god knows how and on what!!

its truly mystifying..


abhishek said...

So my record still stands….eh? :P

Debbz said...

lol just gtalk tho..n dat too at a stretch w/o breaks..including orkut n phone n everythg else i think der r quite a few other contenders who've surpassed u long time bak :)

bt yes ders been noone jobless enuf to sit n blab with me on gtalk..nt even u aftr dat one-time wonder thing..hehe :P

abhishek said...

yeah...ppl do make mistakes,but its v.imp tht they learn frm i have :P

Debbz said...

really??..uv learned??..dusnt seem so frm any of our oh-so-rare chats :P

abhishek said...

where are u nw?

Debbz said...

home..r v gonna hav a nice long conversation within comments now?? :D

Anonymous said...

ah... i can relate to the "phenomenon" u have described...[:D]...

Debbz said...

m sure u can..since uv been a participant in my "phenomenon" quite a few times i think :P

Anonymous said...

heehee.... n u must knw.... gmail, orkut, etc etc everything's blocked....

ur blog is my sole please, keep writing...

Debbz said...

oh wow..however will u survive!!
btw want sum tips on how to unblock a site?? :P

Anonymous said...

u dint write... hmph!....

(thankie... i did manage to circumvent the settings... :D)

hwz u beeen... y sucha prolonged silence?!

Debbz said...

heyyyy..been workin..hav lots to blog mayb aftr im bak..sumhow i cant write wen m nt in campus..hehe..
anyway uv nt been ol in soooo long..howv u been??

Anonymous said...

wow... we've made this space a platform for err...personal interaction..heheh...

mez good...came back home last Sunday...n u can imagine wt i've been up2 ever since then..(in case u arent able to imagine: i've been committing two deadly sins alternately and continuosly, namely, gluttony n laziness, though m nt really sure if laziness is a sin)...

neways, ur work still nt over??...hwz Cal?

will wait fr u to b bak n write it all down, then...

take care

cya soon..

Debbz said...

lucky u..home n laziness sounds jst too gud..nt dat m bein oh so over-active here..missing my room n my comp like mad :(

last week of internship..slogging extra hard now..its loads of fun anyway..n cal so nt really all dat much work..

met lotsa school frnds during d weekends..all came up to cal fr a day or so..

n ya dis comment is turning into almost a mini-blog of i guess i shud leave sum material fr d actual entry..hehe..

m cumin on sunday aftee..sheeya soon!!