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Sunday, October 08, 2006


sunday again..well so same old story..only significant (?) difference..m getting up early now..(for the ones basking in ignorant bliss..that means m up before noon..hehe..)..but seriously..m waking up at all odd hours of the early (make that verrrry early) morning..which is a huge pain-in-the-a$$ really..coz now i have to feed myself something at like 4.00 am!!..that too when im feeling most particularly laaaazzzzyyy..m steadily getting heartily sick of biscuits n (would u believe it?) chocolates!!..

so anyway..watched "woh lamhe"..good story..kinda the powerful kind..n the girl really can act..n shiney ahuja plays second fiddle most of the time..cant blame him though..the movie is all about kangana..but they make a nice couple onscreen..

well..went out last evening with shanu bhaiya..just for a lark..saturday n movie trip sorta..hehe..n as usual we dilly-dallied here n there..always end up doing so when m out on a we had like 5 mins to get back (ya well OTR always did take too much time in packing food)..we were like really really late..n had like 16 kms to make up in 5 8.55 pm n no permi..hehe..i knew i wouldnt get a notice or anything..but then why take the chance..anyway so that return trip was gorgeous..exhileratingly fast!!..oh to feel that cool wind blowing through your hair..i just luuuuuuv fast rides..the faster the better..bikes or cars..especially at nights..dark dark nights..with the moon up (n last nights sight was a beauty..really..especially the full moon over the umed!!)..clouds floating around..n to top it off, some nice music if its a car..(if its a bike you pretty much cant hear anything over the screaming wind anyway..hehe..) anyway..made it back by 09.07 pm!!!..pretty good eh??..hehe..n that too after being stuck in stupid senseless jodhpur traffic..clear sailing after we hit the highway of course..god i love that stretch..

so in other news..nets been acting up again..connects only during late nights n early mornings n for me of course..but anyway..damn pissing off having to reload a page ten times for it to connect..hate that "problem loading page" thing..aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!..n iv got a hectic week of moots n projects staring at me..guess there'll be a lotta muttered curses then..

guess this is it for now..

ps: rum word for them..yummmmmmmm!!!!!

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