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Sunday, October 22, 2006

unimaginably bored.........

5.30 pm....
extremely bored..mostly coz m supposed to be going out at 6.30..and its just 5.30..which means i have an hour to kill and nothing in particular to kill it with..this must be what is termed as the "diwali slump"..hostels almost empty..n the mess has quit making anything remotely festive to hold me beckons n here i come....................

9.00 pm....
still have the slight aftertaste of being bored..hehe..back from my expedition for the quest for good armed with noodles, manchurian, tarts n rum balls..soft drinks as well..(oh yes of course we got it all packed..dont wanna miss the fireworks "show" in the univ now do we..hehe..actually..more like dont wanna get caught in the crossfire..)..well the room is all cleaned..with lil diyas outside the door for fancy stuff..(should see shikhas!!) candles or diyas in the balcony this time tho :( ..for one, the chiks would have to be removed (no biggie that..)..but more importantly..the family of pigeons currently hanging up "home sweet home" posters in my balcony would rather not be migrated..hehe..

feeling extremely sleepy tho..stayin up 24 boring hours sucks..hehe..maybe il chuck the fireworks n just sleep it it is, not missing is evident from the view from my very convenient balcony..guess will continue when m up next..hehe..

n boy is it annoying to write fifty million zillion gazillion "thnx..wishing u a very happy diwali as well" scraps to what seems like every person on planet earth..with maybe a few martians n krptonians thrown in for good measure!!!!!!

4.40 am....
up again n one rum ball later..still bored..watching "the punisher"..regular pow-wow bang-bang vigilante style action flick..had a kgp dream again..weird how places seem to blend together n univ mix-up..hehe..but quite fun..saw shasthri trying to teach physics in school!!!!!!!!!!..n get ragged mercilessly..n him replying with his regualar siddhu-type dialogues..hehe..peppered with a liberal dosage of "calm down shasthri".. :D laugh riot that the middle of it however jain sir materialised n wanted the class back..n also that other woman who taught us physics in Xth..n for some time before him in XIth..forgot her name..anyway so these three start arguing as to who is better qualified to take the class!!!!!..nothing could be funnier..hehe..pity dont remember the result tho..

anyway..back to the movie for me..lets see if sunday is any better.. :)

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