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Thursday, August 31, 2006

vanilla sky

the sweet is never as sweet without the sour...

soo open your eyes to life in dreams doesnt pay off..n one can only truly appreciate the "sweet" when there is the "sour" to compare it with..well guess thats what "vanilla sky" is in a nutshell..but not quite..its very simple and yet too complex..a movie i just cant justify with an orthodox review..still reeling from the after-effects of it..that too a good 3 hours after m hits u at sooo many one side its a sweet romantic movie..on the other hand its a dark psychological thriller..or again a sci-fi futuristic man's journey thru his life..his mind..tom cruise is magnificient..a rivetting role..and he actually does justice to it..n thats no mean feat..

the subconcious is a very powerful thing..and has been portrayed beautifully in here..the mind can play tricks..looks can be deceiving..whats reality and where does the dream end??..a striking movie..ambiguous to the end..something which will make u stop and think at the end of it..if this does not raise a question or two in ones of those few movies which are soo cant call it weird coz that would be an obvious insult..n thats the problem..coz one cant call it any one thing in particular..its a suberb blend of sooo many things (for want of a better term) just has to see it to get it..and even then u might not..and definitely not at first..the twists n turns are just soo intricate..sometimes quite overwhelming..but disarmingly simple really..from the correct perspective..

this will have to do for now..i knw its mostly disjointed phrases n all..but saying more will only deduct from the pure viewing pleasure of it..and im not about to put a spoiler alert on this one..has to be experienced first i leave it at this..

i'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats............

my blog for the day..

yes thats how its become is obvious frm the frequency of my posts, the blogger bug has bit me..big time..its now almost at par with orkutting..well..on second thought, mayb not quite..but anyway its part of my daily routine now..wich can be effectively summarised as: cum bak frm class/anywhere door..switch on comp..close door..keep keys, mobile, bag, watch, coupons (by which time comps booted up..see everythings sooo well coordinated)..start sum music..start lanfind..chek ym..chek offlines n click on mails..chek yahoo mail, gmail..(hotmail n rediff sumtimes too)..whew..delete like a hundred irrelevant n reply to the dozen or so kv grp mails (n sumtimes a lot lottt more)..check orkut fr scraps, frnd requests n msgs..n reply..mayb evn visit a few profiles to leave my share of itty bitty lines fr d d orkut fortune n laugh abt it..mayb chek a community or create wich time ders sumone or d othr online tryin (yes trying being d operative word) to bug me..n a few reply scraps hav landed up as well..n anothr dozen latest kv grp with dem..bak 2 blogger..write a few lines..munch on sum chocs..chek bak on lanfind..preview a few of d new movies..mayb start downloadin sum..again a few lines fr d blog..reply to d newest mails again..scrap replies..chatting on in d background as well..silently scream n utter a few curses wen d comp unshares d movie with ~5 secs remaining fr download..(thats about as close to really pissing me off as u can get)..back to firefox..suddenly realise d person ur chattin with hasnt replied bak in sumtime..guess wat..yes..nets gone again..fiddle with d proxies a bit..scream n curse again..(dats me nearly but nt quite royally pissed)..ask sumone outside wethr nets wrking..negative as expected..bak inside..n miraculously in d meantime nets started again!!..yiee..whoop of joy..but now gotta chek archives fr d missed "hii..u der..dc??..its been 15 mins..busy??" msgs..couple of "yes m here probs again..srry" bak to the dis lil while another spate of mails has arrived..after finally m dun with that..bak to blogger..n dis time get a lotta words in before m torn bak 2 orkut fr dat scrap-chat i was having..a near repeat of the abuv with a few permutations n combinations blog for d day is dun!!! update d date n time on d post a few hrs forward to b in sync with d present..n finalllyyy..hit "publish post" willing it works the first time around..

now in case ur wondering..yes after publishing the blog its back to the usual gmail, orkut, gtalk blah blah routine..of course there are the occassional time-outs for movies..n sumtimes assignments, moots n projects..or just random netting away till the wee hrs of the night.. blogging has become an added "attraction" in my one can see..its not quite the intellectually-superior-opinion-on-everything-blog..or the soppy-mushy-senti-poem-blog..just a regular-off-the-top-of-my-head-anything-goes-kind-blog..weird mumblings et al included..just wat i feel..when i feel..n thats the way i like it..hehe..tho i dont have any idea why m actually writing all this down!!!

oh btw..suddenly started raining..n of course there were the few weirdos who went romping around even tho its freezing at this time..(actually "that" being around 11.00-11.30-ish then)..considering ppl r dying of floods around us..its a wonder we have been spared..a pleasant dry spell fr sumtime now..not that i hate rains n all..i actually happen to like the rains..but only coz of the nice earthy smell..the gorgeous sky..the clean look..n the coolness it since its been quite cool enough even w/o rains..n the sprinklers bring in the smell everyday anyway n the sky is perennially gorgeous..n m willing to forego the "clean look" part if it means less mud n water-logged roads around..god knows how many ruined jeans i had to wash this season coz of it!!..

so well thats it fr the middle of watching "vanilla sky"..mayb will review it once m dun..but so far its been good..very powerful..if thats the word m luking fr..the food for thought kinda movie..

point to be noted..started writing at 12.34 am..n look at the time now!!..hehe..

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

wish update!!!

well seems like my dearest wish was of a gud dinner..jst came true..asked for butter chicken but got one curry today!!! its on for a gud nite..with me armed with chocolates n cookies..books, movies, music n net..lets see how it ends up..hehe..

yieee again..


todays orkut fortune: "your dearest wish will come true"..well and love nothing more than my dearest wish to come true as well..that is..once i decide what that is..n thats where my dilemma is..coz i just dont lemme review my choices..hmmm..good (make that gr888) grades in least a few of my magnaminous prayers answered..removal of the marks-for-attendance rule..(hehe)..being able to keep a few resolutions fr a change..all those wishes i made for every forwarded chain mail (and thats a lotttt)..good health..doing something great maybe (pretty vague that..)..becoming filthy rich!!!..hehe..n last..definitely not least..the very cliched: happiness!!..add to that a few other odds n ends which cannot quite be listed in such a public quite a nice lil shopping list of wishes iv got here..and im sure that il remm a few more after iv published this..

and that leaves me exactly where id started..square one..whats my dearest wish??..n for the life of me i cant quite point a finger at one..and even if one does..there still remains a teeny tiny doubt..the question of "what if"..that maybe if i had chosen the other one..its easier to make it a blanket call and wish for something like happiness..sure to encompass everything then..but again what sort of happiness??..the right here right now kind??..or the forever type..the one in the long run..for which u have to suffer today to prosper n b happy tomm..n what of wishing for others..what goes round comes round right?? that should be good enough to ensure future wat do ppl do wen they see a falling star??..or chance upon a jenie bearing oil lamp!!..guess il forever remain at a disadvantage der..but maybe then il improvise..or more likely blurt out some really dumb wish in a it is falling stars are always too fast for my reaction times..even if i am stupid enough to believe in them.. blabbering away..n that too on sumthg which is nt quite relevant..i mean..face it..however much i write abt this here..or debate on jenies gonna be granting me any wishes guess i shud be focussing my energies in more productive getting ready fr a yumm dinner..(well hopefully yum..plz god plz let der b butter chicken today..hehe..) guess fr now..thats my wish..a gud dinner!!..n a gud nite..a maybe a gud morning as well..n a gud day tomm..n a gud nite tomm.................see there i go again..hehe..see now thats my problem!!! :P

oh n btw..latest crush.."kya mujhe pyar hai"..frm "woh lamhe"..the music..the beats..the chords..the chorus..the bhatts have struck gold wat if its a total lift??..when has that ever stopped them from becoming chart toppers..the latest "ya ghali" to "ya ali" in gangster worked better than a charm..

now i shud really get going..

ps: still thinking..what is my dearest wish??..will knw for sure n share once it comes true then!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

unbreak my heart...

currently listening to..."unbreak my heart"..toni braxton..and plz no questions abt who broke its still intact n will b so in the foreseeable (as well as unforeseeable) future..just happen to really like this track..the music n the here goes..

Unbreak my Heart
Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Un-do this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my
Un-break my heart, oh baby
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on

Sunday, August 27, 2006

freshers' nite!!!!!!!!

partyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! heck of a parrrtehhh..hehe..the dj was gr888 (someone roped him in frm jaipur..guddd move..hehe)..the music jst rocked!!..then the food was yummm..specially the chilli (as in when stretched the cox way)..only thing missing frm before was the never-ending supply of pepsi n the i miss that..too bad its still banned..anyway..d dance party was sposed 2 have started frm 7.30..but late kates that we are..we ended up just shy of 9..n it was already pretty much on the go..still we danced till we dropped..just got over a few hours or so one can imagine how much we jingled jangled around..n in those mt. everest-like high heels too..the basky court was transformed as usual into the disc..all dark n smoky..proper ambience..proper lighting..n with skimpy skirts n slutty dresses all around..hehe..everyone dresses up sooo..ppl running around all nite well i donned a skirt after what seems like ages..n even ghosty wore a dress..

hmmm..well it was just ghosty, surabhi n me this time..mads, ananya n deeksha ditched us to go fr a nite out at ananyas..that sucked..wish they'ed been here too..wud have been sooo much better with the whole gang..n in some time gaurav n kartikeya also went off..n g toh was of course flitting around like the lil kid he is..jai stuck around till the end tho..his n polalis moves are the funniest ever..playing "piya tuuuu ab toh aaja"..n il forever remm those two everytime i hear "monica my darling" now..hehe..n all along they'll just keep on anupam seemed stuck hanging upside dwn to nilesh's waist..hehe..well so we danced n danced n then danced some back bone weary after 1..n had jst awsum funn..n at this hr of course no ones online to stem my bubbling word flow..hehe..hence blogger world's bearing the brunt.. :)

so..all in all..the best freshers' since iv been here..n to think we thot id be too boring n all..n almost decided not to go..anyway just tooooo tired to type any more..

signing off now..

ps: watched "dragon tiger gate" today..amaaazzinggg fight scenes..brilliantly choreographed kung fu sequences..n nicholas tse is jst sooooo cuuuteee..n a good fighter to boot..hehe..a must watch for all action buffs..

Saturday, August 26, 2006

kids in america...and other things...

"get schooled..not fooled".........the tagline of this off-beat movie i watched this aftee.."kids in america"..while glancing thru it before downloading it appeared to be one of many regular teen high school movies rampant on lan..but m glad to have been wrong this time..rather, its a movie about teens..n carries quite a compelling message..nt really in the mood to write a lengthy synopsis heres my take from an official review..

based on real events, "kids in america" is a teen comedy/drama about a diverse group of high school kids who band together to peacefully kick their principal's ass..holden donovan is fed up with principal weller who goes to great lengths to stop the students from exercising their right to free expression..she expels a girl for passing out condoms and advocating safe sex on "national safe sex day" and suspends another for writing an expressive poem in her "private" journal..meanwhile, she is running for the superintendent of their school district, which will give her a chance to practice her brand of administration beyond booker high..the students have an ally in mr. drucker, one of their teachers who encourages them to fight for their rights..he pays a high price for his leadership and is fired by the principal too..he decides to use his dismissal to make a change of his own, by producing a documentary chronicling the experiences of students who are faced with similar the story unfolds, donovan befriends a group of kids including charlotte, lawrence, chuck, walanda, emily and katie..together they organize the student body to take on weller and bring some real change at booker high..

so thats it..some funny gags on the princi..incidently shes julie bowen of boston legal..but with a serious of the few "teen movies" which actually speaks to u..and not about the normal "dont go drugs" n stuff..overall a good watch..a good concept..and the portrayal of some great acting skills..totally worth it.. other news..was mads bday yesterday..had a fun midnite bday bash again..deeksha made a yummm rum cake!!..considering the ingredients were fruit cake, choc horlicks n cashews..this 10-min delicacy is nothing short of a miracle..anyway..we hoped to get high coz v had put in quite a lottt of rum..but (un)fortunately we all seem to be experts at holding our liquor..hehe..sooo another bday shopping spree last evening too..this time with ghosty..n sooo last min that for the very first (n i hope last) time in my life i went out with not a single rupee on me..felt sooo naked time it was soo much harder to decide wat to get..n we ended up getting quite a lot actually..havnt calculated how much it all was..must hav exceeded the budget by millions..n g was also along fr the ride..wanted to fag on the way bak in the auto..n ghosty took a few drags..says she liked the smell n all..weird how anyone can do that!!..i toh positively gag at even passive smoking..sorry but cigs n drugs are the two things im nt gonna be doing in the near (or far) future..but in properly getting roaring drunk..definitely..if only to check my threshold or to freak this one guy out..hehe..

anyway..fam law test tomm..problems on partition..hopefully will turn out fine..and i wont end up making sum dumb-dodo-style-blunder..otherwise have a good feeling about this..n then theres freshers in the evening..supposed to be something big this time..with a dj from jaipur n all..lets see..n ghostys sooo dead if she ditches me fr the guys..thnk god kart n gaurav will also be there..

well so long..

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


yep..yiee fr me.."me comps wrkin agin"..after 2 days of pure unadulterated torture..which i dunno how i cud endure..never realised more how handicapped i am without my comp..there seemed to be nothing to do inside the room which did not involve the was soooo weird to see the blank black monitor staring back at me while i sat n read on my bed..n no music!!! mails or chats!!!..time seemed to drag on so..and i ended up sleeping all thru last evening n nite..literally of boredom..n its doubly worse when i dont knw whats wrong with the in..there was some problem in the something wrong with the cpu..or if the hard disk crashes..that i get..but the monitor not switching on inspite of everything is beyond me..even when the connections were perfectly fine and one could hear it booting up in the background..n added to that is our resident comp idiot kk singh..someone should seriously go dunk him in all this recent mud..that guy actually wanted me to go ask the electrician guy about the monitor!!!!!..n i was like "OMG"..n den he has d gall to call himself a comp repairman!!..anyway m glad its wrking again..miracle really..must have been all d damp n stuff..tho knwing my was all in spite..probably trying to punish me or teach me a lesson..well message recieved thnx very much..whew..more than glad to be back n dismiss it all as a baaaddd nightmare..

so alls well in my lil world now..n the sun is shining again..truly..after what seems like an eternity of cold wet incessant rains..and consequently cold damp living conditions..actually had to plug the heater in sumtime during the night!!!..heard there were floods in udaipur n even osian..that must be a first..n did someone mention snow in sahara??..ppl dying of heat strokes in assam!!..seems to be rapidly turning into the plot of "day after tomorrow"..i fr one luuuv winters..but an ice age is not what i bargained for when i wanted the climate here to always be cool!!..

anyway..gotta rush now..class in a few mins..

ps: my todays orkut fortune - "you will spend old age in comfort and material wealth"..glad to knw and i certainly do hope so..hehe :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

mindless blah blah..cant think of a more suitable title rt now.. all-consuming passion..something sweet..something to cherish..something which happens only once in a lifetime and everything else pales in comparison..its magic..its life..etc etc..blah blah blah........ok before u go off on a tangent wondering why m suddenly blabbering abt senti luv-shuv..the reason is my todays orkut fortune: your love life will be happy and i wonder why orkut puts up stuff like this..which make absolutely no misleading..and ridiculous most of the times..anyway everyday i read the days fortune and have a laugh over it..or try it with "in the bed" hilarious results always..well so back to the love life..or rather the lack thereof..iv (actually every sane person does) always known that all that swept-off-your-feet-by-knight-in-shining-armour knees-growing-week-blushing-trembling-looking-into-eyes stuff described soo graphically in mbs or movies dont really happen in real least not to someone like me who lacks even a single romantic bone in her body and is too cynical of life anyway..tho yes after some really cute romantic comedy even i have to stop n delve into dreamworld fr a sec or two..but then the moment passes and i am back to my normal pragmatic self..point is..the much publicised romantic love we hear of is grossly someone very aptly put stands for lousy overrated vile emotion..and here i am strictly talking about the boy-meets-girl kinda love and not the love we have for our family and frnds n stuff..coz even tho i go "coochy coo" with babies i cant imagine myself digging up even one-tenth of it for a guy..but them im told that my standards are too high and anyway its hard to compete with the ghost of my ex!!..

guess every girl at one point of time dreams of her prince charming..a loong loong shopping list of criteria to be fulfilled..basically a really sweet romantic hunk.."beauty with brains"..hehe..but what i cant imagine is how can someone be with someone soo perennially sugary sweet..doesnt it get on ones nerves after sometime??..isnt one better off with someone whose thoughtfullness or sweetness will actually surprise u at times?? least keep some sparks alive..or else doesnt it get really the ideal life with not even a single squabble??..with nothing left unexpected..i remm the last story in "a quiver full of arrows" by jeffrey archer..where the couple were always at loggerheads but loved each other to distraction..n i maintain that thats by far one of the cutest love stories iv ever read..

well..enough mindless mumbo jumbo fr now..gotta go study fr another dumb test the last period so relatively chilled..hehe..anyway iv taken to looking up too many lyrics these days..getting into a really weird habit before signing off, heres a few lines (actually all of them :P) from "Thirty Minutes" by Tatu..another poignant number iv been humming recently..

Out of sight..out of mind
Out of decide
Do we run?..should I hide?
For the rest of my life

Can we fly? I stay?
We could lose..we could fail
In the moment it takes
To make plans or mistakes

Thirty minutes..a blink of an eye
Thirty alter our lives
Thirty make up my mind
Thirty finally decide
Thirty whisper your name
Thirty shoulder the blame
Thirty minutes..of bliss..thirty lies
Thirty finally decide

Carousels in the sky
That we shape with our eyes
Under shade..silhouettes
Casting shade..crying rain...

Can we fly? I stay?
We could lose..we could fail...
Either way..options change
Chances fail..trains derail

Thirty minutes..a blink of an eye
Thirty alter our lives
Thirty make up my mind
Thirty finally decide
Thirty whisper your name
Thirty shoulder the blame
Thirty minutes..of bliss..thirty lies
Thirty finally decide

To decide......

Sunday, August 13, 2006

an awesome awesome time..

anannyas bday today..and it was an awesome load of fun..actually the "fun" part started last heres a blow-by-blow account..after the ct test got over..went off to the city on a gift-n-cake buying spree with mads..hitched a ride frm dalal sir (anothr wanna-be guardian..hehe..)..armed with the "comprehensive list" of ananyas..which shed been making fr some hundreds of thousands of years rather than study for the test..hehe..anyway who m i if i studied any more!!..thnk god i cud at least write sum one hour worth of crap..hmmm..well lets not deviate there we were in the city with a "dream in our eyes n a purpose in our hearts" we find jai roaming like a lost lil pup..dragged him along too..and gud thing as well coz god knws wat he'd have bought had it not been for our superior intellect when it comes to gifts for ghosty..bought a really cutie sweetie fluffy lil stuffed doggy..knowing how crazzzzzyyyy ghosty is abt dogs there was really no contest as to wat to buy..well that disposed off jais gift..we'd decided to give this "bag of goodies" thing..nice odds n ends like earrings n perfume n nail polish, books, bday card, key chain, chocolates, flowers blah blah..all in a nice lil bag filled with confetti..n omg ananya went sooo nutty about the whole concept..especially the confetti part..n the lodha guy must have thot we were crazy the way we tried to explain it in hindi..hehe..anyway good thing that i had some stuff bak in the room coz i cant quite imagine anyone in jodhpur understanding anythng even remotely abt we went roaming the whole of jodhpur for all the stuff to put in..and there was this one auto guy who took us around almost site seeing or sumthing for 30 hed have taken us everywhere we needed to go fr some 20-30 bucks more..anyway..bottom line we bought everything we had thought of and then some..and all well within our budget..actually exactly as per the listed one..amazing ppl the two of us!!!!..

well then back to the univ..on dot 9!!..dinner n back to rooms..confetti making..messages on card..which is the toughest..everythings soo repetitive n all..and i just clam up inside when i really have to write somethng like that..cant help it..and afterwords il think up some nice lines..but right that moment everythings dry..and worse thing i wont even remm those words fr the next anyway smehow managed something appropriate..decorated the envelope (if mads or ananya read this..they'll know wat i mean..hehe)..well so 12 midnite..ding dong.."happy bday anannya"..cake cutting..icing on opening..a lotta n all..posed n stuff..mostly hilarious ones..tho dunno how i always end up making weird faces everytime a cam is pointed at me..rarely dus any proper presentable smiling pic cum up..anyway..took loads of pics..thats the beauty of a can keep on taking pics n delete all the dumb ones later..well got some really nice shots..and some awfully funny ones too..

sooo..that was last nite..planned for a movie this ghostys bday treat..barely made the bus in the it to wait at the gate n had to run pell-mell..hehe..went for "kabhi alvida na kehna".."omkara" was the first choice but then some brilliant person suggested kank..and wow what a movie!!!!..drags on n on n onnn..another weepy-waily crying srk movie..but then what else to expect from karan johar..but he seems to be slipping in his "dotage" actually glorifies adultry..story taken from "closer" and somehow made soo much worse..and succhhhh predictable dialogues..basically got nothing going for it apart from the great sets and the gorgeous clothes and abhishek bachchan..not even gr8 songs like others before..n the woman sitting below us kept on giving us such dirty looks coz we kept on chattering away all the time..and it was hilarious how we kept on commenting n predicting all the lines half the time..guess all in all not such a total waste of time..m sure will go on to become a major hit n all..make a clean sweap of the awards n stuff..dunno how ppl can b soo dumb that trying to send "paheli" of all things to the oscars!!!!!!..just doesnt get any worse than that..

next on the agenda hut..realized thats one place we've gone too often now..but good thing outta this..m munching on chicken hawaiian now..hehe..n yup b4 i forget to mention..had 3 glasses of my beloved pepsi in these 2 days..after more than a week of abstinence..felt sooo gud..god knws what the point is to ban soft drinks in schools n colleges when anyone can go buy one outside!!..weird ppl back to the univ then..cribbed cribbed cribbed about the movie on the way..actually ripped it apart scene by scene..hehe..feels nice when like minded ppl bitch abt dumb stuff like this..makes it worthwhile watching it then..

anyway gotta be off now..thinking of watching "dead man's chest" later..finally downloaded a good print from lan..n unfortunately tomm back to reality..classes..tho holiday day after and almost everyone out of hoping to get some free classes..hehe.. long..

Saturday, August 12, 2006

main aur meri tanhaai..

yup thats n my "loneliness"..if you can call it that..this past week or so..guess havnt been as lonely as i've been bored n jobless..took to downloading almost a million final fantasy videos..n watching the same scenes over n over again..with some awesome songs..also watchd loads of movies..and finished off OC..even tho its the crappiest of all the english soaps iv watched till date..waiting for the rest to land up on lan..abt the lives n trials of some rich kids and their families in the "paradise that is orange county"..not the best iv seen by far..but something to keep me occupied nevertheless..kinda like the saas-bahu serials on star n sometimes when theres nothing on you are forced to watch them.. great thing about watching all those ff vids is that i got some really nice songs which i probably wouldnt have listened to in the normal course of events..sme great lyrics looked up..some tunes stuck in my head..and again the itch to play the only a few demos on this comp so gotta wait..unless g decides to bcum a darling n gimme d discs..or unless it surfaces on lan..which is always too preoccupied by cs, warcraft, aoe, pop, nfs et least now ppl dont jst look blankly at u as if ur nuts wen u say "final fantasy"..till last sem or so jst me n g knew anything about it..and ananya n mads vicariously thru us..n they still thot us to b oh so totally conked..

ananya n dishi were asking the other day about advent children of which the english dubbed versions finally shared on lan..(liked the jap one with the eng subtitles bettr tho..much bettr..grittier dialouges n all..)..ananya was like "wow the guys look soo classy n all in it"..n dishi wantd d "eyes on me" vid..n actually thot it was a movie or sumthg n wudnt accept that it was "jst a game"..(tho i kinda wish they wud make one on viii along the lines of advent children..squalls jst soooooo amazing..hehe..) a bit of a lecture abt squall n how great he is..n sum abt cloud n sephiroth to boot..hehe..hopefully there'll b sumone i can talk to abt all this here soon..weird that none of the guys othr than g knw abt it eithr!!..well..heres to hoping..

on another note..awesome rains last class off after 3.30..n it decides to rain then..n v had sooo much fun splashing around bak to the mess..doel had this unbrella under which she n mads tried to take sum cover..needless to say didnt help much..typical jodhpur winds did the trick n the last "lap" or so we jst ran in the rain..n the mess courtyard had around ankle-deep water..n ghosty, smita, madhu n me jumped n splashed n kicked water on each other..soaked thru n thru..hehe..but sooo awsum fun..all the bhaiya-jis gave us such

signing off now..with a para from "everything you want"..vertical horizon..lyrics of d current vid m watching/listening to..identify to it at sum level i guess..
'til next time..

He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

cant take my eyes off you....

And so it is...
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is...
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is...
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is...
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...
'Til I find somebody new........

a haunting melody..from a truly haunting movie.."closer"..something which i would call weird and quirky..yet a its own way..the song kinda grows on u..n soo suits the movie..writing abt it a looong time after i watchd it (which was some year or so back..) wont review the movie or anything..jst saw the song video today..damien rice.."the blower's daughter"..thot id hunt out the lyrics n post..

tada till the next time..

Friday, August 04, 2006

its that time again..

yup..that time of the month..tests tests tests..n more...........wat??......u guessed it....tests!!..evidence, chem, bio, ct..anything n everything has to come together..add to this assignments, moots n snaps..n there u have the perfect combination for utter ruination of what is supposed to be ur "fun" college life..[well yeah its nt exactly quite as bad as iv made it sound..but then bad enough to whine n crib about it all the time... :D]

so can there be a test, the day before which iv nt completely again m surrounded by pepsi (god m addicted..)..chocolates (yummm..)..n milk..(for coffee really but which il probably nt make..n end up having nice warm milk..which will of course make me go off to sleep exactly when i should be studying like mad..hehe..)..n m happily watching the latest episodes of boston legal..which m hoping against hope will teach me some evidence law for tomm..(yeah if!!! if only pigs could fly n blah blah category..)..n now wasting some more time blogging after which m sure to find some dumb duck to chat with for the next hr or which point of time il b just too sleepy to study..

i m really doomed tomm..oh yeah!..but m jst tooooo sleepy to care right now..guess il catch a bit of shut-eye n wake up at the crack of dawn to prepare..hehe..

wish me luck..