"get schooled..not fooled".........the tagline of this off-beat movie i watched this aftee.."kids in america"..while glancing thru it before downloading it appeared to be one of many regular teen high school movies rampant on lan..but m glad to have been wrong this time..rather, its a movie about teens..n carries quite a compelling message..nt really in the mood to write a lengthy synopsis now..so heres my take from an official review..
based on real events, "kids in america" is a teen comedy/drama

so thats it..some funny gags on the princi..incidently shes julie bowen of boston legal..but with a serious undertone..one of the few "teen movies" which actually speaks to u..and not about the normal "dont go drugs" n stuff..overall a good watch..a good concept..and the portrayal of some great acting skills..totally worth it..
well..in other news..was mads bday yesterday..had a fun midnite bday bash again..deeksha made a yummm rum cake!!..considering the ingredients were fruit cake, choc horlicks n cashews..this 10-min delicacy is nothing short of a miracle..anyway..we hoped to get high coz v had put in quite a lottt of rum..but (un)fortunately we all seem to be experts at holding our liquor..hehe..sooo another bday shopping spree last evening too..this time with ghosty..n sooo last min that for the very first (n i hope last) time in my life i went out with not a single rupee on me..felt sooo naked somehow..lol..this time it was soo much harder to decide wat to get..n we ended up getting quite a lot actually..havnt calculated how much it all was..must hav exceeded the budget by millions..n g was also along fr the ride..wanted to fag on the way bak in the auto..n ghosty took a few drags..says she liked the smell n all..weird how anyone can do that!!..i toh positively gag at even passive smoking..sorry but cigs n drugs are the two things im nt gonna be doing in the near (or far) future..but drinking..as in properly getting roaring drunk..definitely..if only to check my threshold or to freak this one guy out..hehe..
anyway..fam law test tomm..problems on partition..hopefully will turn out fine..and i wont end up making sum dumb-dodo-style-blunder..otherwise have a good feeling about this..n then theres freshers in the evening..supposed to be something big this time..with a dj from jaipur n all..lets see..n ghostys sooo dead if she ditches me fr the guys..thnk god kart n gaurav will also be there..
well so long..
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