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Sunday, August 13, 2006

an awesome awesome time..

anannyas bday today..and it was an awesome load of fun..actually the "fun" part started last heres a blow-by-blow account..after the ct test got over..went off to the city on a gift-n-cake buying spree with mads..hitched a ride frm dalal sir (anothr wanna-be guardian..hehe..)..armed with the "comprehensive list" of ananyas..which shed been making fr some hundreds of thousands of years rather than study for the test..hehe..anyway who m i if i studied any more!!..thnk god i cud at least write sum one hour worth of crap..hmmm..well lets not deviate there we were in the city with a "dream in our eyes n a purpose in our hearts" we find jai roaming like a lost lil pup..dragged him along too..and gud thing as well coz god knws wat he'd have bought had it not been for our superior intellect when it comes to gifts for ghosty..bought a really cutie sweetie fluffy lil stuffed doggy..knowing how crazzzzzyyyy ghosty is abt dogs there was really no contest as to wat to buy..well that disposed off jais gift..we'd decided to give this "bag of goodies" thing..nice odds n ends like earrings n perfume n nail polish, books, bday card, key chain, chocolates, flowers blah blah..all in a nice lil bag filled with confetti..n omg ananya went sooo nutty about the whole concept..especially the confetti part..n the lodha guy must have thot we were crazy the way we tried to explain it in hindi..hehe..anyway good thing that i had some stuff bak in the room coz i cant quite imagine anyone in jodhpur understanding anythng even remotely abt we went roaming the whole of jodhpur for all the stuff to put in..and there was this one auto guy who took us around almost site seeing or sumthing for 30 hed have taken us everywhere we needed to go fr some 20-30 bucks more..anyway..bottom line we bought everything we had thought of and then some..and all well within our budget..actually exactly as per the listed one..amazing ppl the two of us!!!!..

well then back to the univ..on dot 9!!..dinner n back to rooms..confetti making..messages on card..which is the toughest..everythings soo repetitive n all..and i just clam up inside when i really have to write somethng like that..cant help it..and afterwords il think up some nice lines..but right that moment everythings dry..and worse thing i wont even remm those words fr the next anyway smehow managed something appropriate..decorated the envelope (if mads or ananya read this..they'll know wat i mean..hehe)..well so 12 midnite..ding dong.."happy bday anannya"..cake cutting..icing on opening..a lotta n all..posed n stuff..mostly hilarious ones..tho dunno how i always end up making weird faces everytime a cam is pointed at me..rarely dus any proper presentable smiling pic cum up..anyway..took loads of pics..thats the beauty of a can keep on taking pics n delete all the dumb ones later..well got some really nice shots..and some awfully funny ones too..

sooo..that was last nite..planned for a movie this ghostys bday treat..barely made the bus in the it to wait at the gate n had to run pell-mell..hehe..went for "kabhi alvida na kehna".."omkara" was the first choice but then some brilliant person suggested kank..and wow what a movie!!!!..drags on n on n onnn..another weepy-waily crying srk movie..but then what else to expect from karan johar..but he seems to be slipping in his "dotage" actually glorifies adultry..story taken from "closer" and somehow made soo much worse..and succhhhh predictable dialogues..basically got nothing going for it apart from the great sets and the gorgeous clothes and abhishek bachchan..not even gr8 songs like others before..n the woman sitting below us kept on giving us such dirty looks coz we kept on chattering away all the time..and it was hilarious how we kept on commenting n predicting all the lines half the time..guess all in all not such a total waste of time..m sure will go on to become a major hit n all..make a clean sweap of the awards n stuff..dunno how ppl can b soo dumb that trying to send "paheli" of all things to the oscars!!!!!!..just doesnt get any worse than that..

next on the agenda hut..realized thats one place we've gone too often now..but good thing outta this..m munching on chicken hawaiian now..hehe..n yup b4 i forget to mention..had 3 glasses of my beloved pepsi in these 2 days..after more than a week of abstinence..felt sooo gud..god knws what the point is to ban soft drinks in schools n colleges when anyone can go buy one outside!!..weird ppl back to the univ then..cribbed cribbed cribbed about the movie on the way..actually ripped it apart scene by scene..hehe..feels nice when like minded ppl bitch abt dumb stuff like this..makes it worthwhile watching it then..

anyway gotta be off now..thinking of watching "dead man's chest" later..finally downloaded a good print from lan..n unfortunately tomm back to reality..classes..tho holiday day after and almost everyone out of hoping to get some free classes..hehe.. long..

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