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Thursday, August 31, 2006

my blog for the day..

yes thats how its become is obvious frm the frequency of my posts, the blogger bug has bit me..big time..its now almost at par with orkutting..well..on second thought, mayb not quite..but anyway its part of my daily routine now..wich can be effectively summarised as: cum bak frm class/anywhere door..switch on comp..close door..keep keys, mobile, bag, watch, coupons (by which time comps booted up..see everythings sooo well coordinated)..start sum music..start lanfind..chek ym..chek offlines n click on mails..chek yahoo mail, gmail..(hotmail n rediff sumtimes too)..whew..delete like a hundred irrelevant n reply to the dozen or so kv grp mails (n sumtimes a lot lottt more)..check orkut fr scraps, frnd requests n msgs..n reply..mayb evn visit a few profiles to leave my share of itty bitty lines fr d d orkut fortune n laugh abt it..mayb chek a community or create wich time ders sumone or d othr online tryin (yes trying being d operative word) to bug me..n a few reply scraps hav landed up as well..n anothr dozen latest kv grp with dem..bak 2 blogger..write a few lines..munch on sum chocs..chek bak on lanfind..preview a few of d new movies..mayb start downloadin sum..again a few lines fr d blog..reply to d newest mails again..scrap replies..chatting on in d background as well..silently scream n utter a few curses wen d comp unshares d movie with ~5 secs remaining fr download..(thats about as close to really pissing me off as u can get)..back to firefox..suddenly realise d person ur chattin with hasnt replied bak in sumtime..guess wat..yes..nets gone again..fiddle with d proxies a bit..scream n curse again..(dats me nearly but nt quite royally pissed)..ask sumone outside wethr nets wrking..negative as expected..bak inside..n miraculously in d meantime nets started again!!..yiee..whoop of joy..but now gotta chek archives fr d missed "hii..u der..dc??..its been 15 mins..busy??" msgs..couple of "yes m here probs again..srry" bak to the dis lil while another spate of mails has arrived..after finally m dun with that..bak to blogger..n dis time get a lotta words in before m torn bak 2 orkut fr dat scrap-chat i was having..a near repeat of the abuv with a few permutations n combinations blog for d day is dun!!! update d date n time on d post a few hrs forward to b in sync with d present..n finalllyyy..hit "publish post" willing it works the first time around..

now in case ur wondering..yes after publishing the blog its back to the usual gmail, orkut, gtalk blah blah routine..of course there are the occassional time-outs for movies..n sumtimes assignments, moots n projects..or just random netting away till the wee hrs of the night.. blogging has become an added "attraction" in my one can see..its not quite the intellectually-superior-opinion-on-everything-blog..or the soppy-mushy-senti-poem-blog..just a regular-off-the-top-of-my-head-anything-goes-kind-blog..weird mumblings et al included..just wat i feel..when i feel..n thats the way i like it..hehe..tho i dont have any idea why m actually writing all this down!!!

oh btw..suddenly started raining..n of course there were the few weirdos who went romping around even tho its freezing at this time..(actually "that" being around 11.00-11.30-ish then)..considering ppl r dying of floods around us..its a wonder we have been spared..a pleasant dry spell fr sumtime now..not that i hate rains n all..i actually happen to like the rains..but only coz of the nice earthy smell..the gorgeous sky..the clean look..n the coolness it since its been quite cool enough even w/o rains..n the sprinklers bring in the smell everyday anyway n the sky is perennially gorgeous..n m willing to forego the "clean look" part if it means less mud n water-logged roads around..god knows how many ruined jeans i had to wash this season coz of it!!..

so well thats it fr the middle of watching "vanilla sky"..mayb will review it once m dun..but so far its been good..very powerful..if thats the word m luking fr..the food for thought kinda movie..

point to be noted..started writing at 12.34 am..n look at the time now!!..hehe..

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