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Wednesday, August 23, 2006


yep..yiee fr me.."me comps wrkin agin"..after 2 days of pure unadulterated torture..which i dunno how i cud endure..never realised more how handicapped i am without my comp..there seemed to be nothing to do inside the room which did not involve the was soooo weird to see the blank black monitor staring back at me while i sat n read on my bed..n no music!!! mails or chats!!!..time seemed to drag on so..and i ended up sleeping all thru last evening n nite..literally of boredom..n its doubly worse when i dont knw whats wrong with the in..there was some problem in the something wrong with the cpu..or if the hard disk crashes..that i get..but the monitor not switching on inspite of everything is beyond me..even when the connections were perfectly fine and one could hear it booting up in the background..n added to that is our resident comp idiot kk singh..someone should seriously go dunk him in all this recent mud..that guy actually wanted me to go ask the electrician guy about the monitor!!!!!..n i was like "OMG"..n den he has d gall to call himself a comp repairman!!..anyway m glad its wrking again..miracle really..must have been all d damp n stuff..tho knwing my was all in spite..probably trying to punish me or teach me a lesson..well message recieved thnx very much..whew..more than glad to be back n dismiss it all as a baaaddd nightmare..

so alls well in my lil world now..n the sun is shining again..truly..after what seems like an eternity of cold wet incessant rains..and consequently cold damp living conditions..actually had to plug the heater in sumtime during the night!!!..heard there were floods in udaipur n even osian..that must be a first..n did someone mention snow in sahara??..ppl dying of heat strokes in assam!!..seems to be rapidly turning into the plot of "day after tomorrow"..i fr one luuuv winters..but an ice age is not what i bargained for when i wanted the climate here to always be cool!!..

anyway..gotta rush now..class in a few mins..

ps: my todays orkut fortune - "you will spend old age in comfort and material wealth"..glad to knw and i certainly do hope so..hehe :)

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