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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


todays orkut fortune: "your dearest wish will come true"..well and love nothing more than my dearest wish to come true as well..that is..once i decide what that is..n thats where my dilemma is..coz i just dont lemme review my choices..hmmm..good (make that gr888) grades in least a few of my magnaminous prayers answered..removal of the marks-for-attendance rule..(hehe)..being able to keep a few resolutions fr a change..all those wishes i made for every forwarded chain mail (and thats a lotttt)..good health..doing something great maybe (pretty vague that..)..becoming filthy rich!!!..hehe..n last..definitely not least..the very cliched: happiness!!..add to that a few other odds n ends which cannot quite be listed in such a public quite a nice lil shopping list of wishes iv got here..and im sure that il remm a few more after iv published this..

and that leaves me exactly where id started..square one..whats my dearest wish??..n for the life of me i cant quite point a finger at one..and even if one does..there still remains a teeny tiny doubt..the question of "what if"..that maybe if i had chosen the other one..its easier to make it a blanket call and wish for something like happiness..sure to encompass everything then..but again what sort of happiness??..the right here right now kind??..or the forever type..the one in the long run..for which u have to suffer today to prosper n b happy tomm..n what of wishing for others..what goes round comes round right?? that should be good enough to ensure future wat do ppl do wen they see a falling star??..or chance upon a jenie bearing oil lamp!!..guess il forever remain at a disadvantage der..but maybe then il improvise..or more likely blurt out some really dumb wish in a it is falling stars are always too fast for my reaction times..even if i am stupid enough to believe in them.. blabbering away..n that too on sumthg which is nt quite relevant..i mean..face it..however much i write abt this here..or debate on jenies gonna be granting me any wishes guess i shud be focussing my energies in more productive getting ready fr a yumm dinner..(well hopefully yum..plz god plz let der b butter chicken today..hehe..) guess fr now..thats my wish..a gud dinner!!..n a gud nite..a maybe a gud morning as well..n a gud day tomm..n a gud nite tomm.................see there i go again..hehe..see now thats my problem!!! :P

oh n btw..latest crush.."kya mujhe pyar hai"..frm "woh lamhe"..the music..the beats..the chords..the chorus..the bhatts have struck gold wat if its a total lift??..when has that ever stopped them from becoming chart toppers..the latest "ya ghali" to "ya ali" in gangster worked better than a charm..

now i shud really get going..

ps: still thinking..what is my dearest wish??..will knw for sure n share once it comes true then!!

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