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Friday, September 07, 2007

a lil poem...

just this lil poem..obviously not by me (ha if!!)..was a dedication to these two x'ters in this "naruto" fanfic i was'll probably not make too much sense putting it up here just like that..but it goes really well with the fic..the authoress has actually done a superb job at it..really captured sasuke's x'ter perfectly..really hate it when they make him go all OOC n lovey-dovey n stuff..well it is..(n yeah this is from the pov of the girl..n "sasuke-teme's" the one with the "harsh n cruel comments"..oh but of on ya go!!)

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Argue with me
Is all that you'd do.

I hate you, you hate me
Is all that we'd say,
Every hour and minute
Of every day.

I despised you, I loathed you
With all of my heart.
Your harsh and cruel comments
Tore me apart.

Then one night I found
A note on the floor -
Missing clothes, missing shoes,
A wide-open door.

I dashed through the town
To stop this cruel fate.
But when I arrived,
You were gone; I, too late.

I collapsed on the ground
As it started to rain.
I wondered if I'd ever
Overcome this pain.

Roses will die,
Violets too.
You left before I could say
That I love you...

so..wasn't that quite cute??..just thought id put it up..evn tho its totally random n all..but was kinda too long for a status (ya think!!) this was it..

oh n finally changed the songs on this thing..was starting to bug me..been there fr god knows how last night i finally logged into zorpia n hunted down sum jap songs n put 'em up..but man was it troublesome!!..all jap songs were written in japanese..kanji i mean..n wudnt cum up in english searches..mendokuse!!..but alls well that ends well..tho these arent like my absolute favs..but it does have two songs by my darling "pi-tan"..hehe..everytime i listen to them i feel like watching "nobuta" n "kurosagi" again..cant wait for the kurosagi movie now..more yamapi..yiee!!..n "hana yori dango" movie's announced as if only they'd make a "gokusen 3" or a movie or something with shin i cud die happy..hehe..missed "shinkumi" soo much in "gokusen 2" even with my bakanishi as eye-candy..n speaking of akanishi..y on earth has he gone underground even now that hes officially back n all??..i wanna see him in something tooooo!!!

k now lalala vid update..not saved yet..damn movie maker freezes every time..hopefully by next post will b up..if of course permi gets granted by mads n ananya to broadcast it to the world that is..hehe..

so till then..
jaa ne!!

ps: m gonna KILL these ppl who r "moderating" internet here..they actually had the nerve to block veoh too?? if getting youtube wasnt enough!!..n no songs or movies can be downloaded either..n even a download limit!!..seriously this is going too exactly r we supposed to survive wen ur killing the net like this???? (ok better make that how m "i" gonna survive wen my "lifeforce" is being sucked out of me!!!!!)..cant believe i have to resort to using proxy sites n all to watch stuff now (n of course they've blocked kproxy as well!!)..thankfully they have no idea about the hundred n one other sites i get my stuff from or id reallllly be dead..hehe..

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