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Saturday, September 22, 2007

the thrill of the chase...n guys i wanna choke the life out of!!

so this was actually written in pkp's ipr class (or at least half of it) so bored that decided to write on paper for a change..will be published in the evening of course (now i mean..hehe) m bored as usual..watching "trinity blood" again..properly this time (ie. in jap with subs)..n "black cat" is amazing as usual..brilliant sequences..n train heartnet..aaaaahh..especially as the aloof cold-blooded killer in the earlier eps..hotttttt!!..the whole black overcoat flowing in the wind thing..never fails..always been a sucker for that..hehe..

anyhoo..back to the main topic..actually why i started this entry in the first place..wanted to include it last time actually but couldnt find a suitable opening in all the random"the thrill of the chase" of the precursors??..reasons??..( it wat u will)..for my boredom..basically building things up a tad bit too much..n hence ending up bored too the other day in the aftee class..we were soooo hungry..n discussed soo much abt food n how hungry i was (n freaked mads out tellin her to go stand out in the sun so she could get "nice n cooked"..but she wasnt all dat freaked sadly enough..its become normal cannibalistic tendencies becoming more pronounced in class that is..n especially in pkp's classes these days..hehe..even now he's talking abt basmati rice n its x' it looks..smells like..oooooohhhh godddd..m hungggrryyyy!!!)..anyway so we could actually taste the food..fried maggi..thali..chicken tikka..the works..yummm..sooo much so that we like couldnt wait to go to sdl n hog like crazy..counting the minutes till end of class..n i for one saw everything around me as lumps of yumm food the very second class got over we - mads, ananya n me - practically ran to sdl..even in the reaallly hot (u hav noooo idea how hot believe me!) sun barely surviving ananya's father-in-law's bride burning attempts..n managed to reach sdl in almost semi-solid forms..still really hungry..but couldnt manage to hog as much as i would have liked to..mostly coz it was just soo hot n stuffy..n i just wanted to go back to the room n to my precious cooler..n go online n watch stuff as usual..actually would have preferred to have someone just get me something (ya eternally lazy me..hehe)..but coz id soo overhyped the thing in class that i just had to go..n walk back in the heat as basically i probably ended up having more fun fantasizing about it than actually doing it..not quite within the ambit of "thrill of the chase" but somewhat like it..anyway so keeping in mind my tendency to get bored with everything too soon..not too much of a surprise really..n its nt like this happens to me over food only..actually this is probably the first time since food happens to satisfy me pretty well normally..n its more in terms of stuff i watch..expect too much n end up being disappointed..or get soo enamoured by the trailers that the final product doesnt hold much..n then theres the whole thing abt me wanting things i think i cant have n getting bored of it as soon as i do get it (happens more often with studies time this guy pissed me off n i thot id do better than him n thought maybe that wouldnt b possible coz he was the topper n all..but in the end topped myself n he got miserable results..was quite happy..but didnt feel like repeating it the next time) me lazy but i wouldnt like ppl to keep on expecting great things frm me..its a pain to study n top all the time..n once uv done it ppl keep expecting u to continue topping..which is the painful part..coz its more often than not a one-time thing..just a whim on my part..just coz i can top doesnt mean that i like it!!..n then y deprive all those ppl who reaaally wanna top n have been studyin all thru the year for that wich i achieved in a one-night crash course studying the day before the exams??..doesnt seem fair does it??..(actually seems extremely lazy of me..but..watever!!)..anyway so getting bored of things which i chase after n build up too much soon after iv gotten it..thats me!!..which is probably the one major reason i dnt go out with guys i think (n of course theres the thing that none of them match up..well basically r nt yamapi..hehe)..coz i know that after this thrill thing is over, id get dead bored n ditch the guy asap..hehe..n since no guy can actually hold my attention for long (not counting jap ones of course..they'd keep me hooked forever i expect!!..hehe) well wat can i say..m apparantly very flighty..hmmm.. this entry didnt quite turn out how i first imagined it..too many pauses in b/w i guess..started in class n finishing now..hmmmm..was gonna finish in the evening itself right after class..but ended up editing the project n making the dumb attendance wala assignment..n its not even that farzi..surprizing really!!..the one thing i didnt need to make all nice n stuff, i did..anyhoo so was too mad in the evening anyway to write stuff here..lets just say that certain ppl who shouldnt concern themselves with my business apparantly do..overly..very very overly!!..uffff..pissing tight slap these samples should get..right across their face..disgusting!! poking their nose where it doesnt ppl reading my blogs i dnt mind..but why cant ppl b normal n just post a comment here if they sooo wanna comment on my posts..why do they hav to send random unwanted msgs i really dont understand!!..if its something that they dnt wanna let the "public" (ya right like the whole world reads my blog oh so religiously like the morning newspaper!!) know..then even i dnt wanna knw..n especially if m not talking to them!!!!..not talkin to ppl does not mean i wanna receive all sorts of random comments instead..y cant ppl just get the msg for gods sake..i mean seriously..wat do i have to do to get it across??..i fail to understand how iv not been clear enough already as it is!!..aarrrggghhh..guys shud all just go jump into sum convenient well or sumthg n die..die die DIEEEE!!!!

ok so now i wanna kill ppl again..n verrry painful deaths at that..n yeah a "torture note" would be great thnx very much..tho a "death note" would suffice just as well..anyway m feeling too sleepy again..n gotta finish these few eps b4 i switch off completely..

well then..
jaa ne!!


Mohan Sandeep said...


--> for the first part.. after telling us soo much abt the thrill in chasing and then the actual not being upto expectation.. i think its also applicable to ur jap guys isnt it..??
its only gud until its impossible and u keep chasing..rt..??

--> the other point.. plagiarism shd not be practiced u know.. when picking up other ppl's idea the least u can do is mention their name.. (in brackets at least..)

Debbz said...

2 replies..

1st part: y do u think m nt going out with sum really hot jap guy already??..i do chat with a few sometime..

2nd part: well i did thank "other ppl" for it..n they knw who it refers it all that impt for the whole world to knw as well??