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Saturday, August 12, 2006

main aur meri tanhaai..

yup thats n my "loneliness"..if you can call it that..this past week or so..guess havnt been as lonely as i've been bored n jobless..took to downloading almost a million final fantasy videos..n watching the same scenes over n over again..with some awesome songs..also watchd loads of movies..and finished off OC..even tho its the crappiest of all the english soaps iv watched till date..waiting for the rest to land up on lan..abt the lives n trials of some rich kids and their families in the "paradise that is orange county"..not the best iv seen by far..but something to keep me occupied nevertheless..kinda like the saas-bahu serials on star n sometimes when theres nothing on you are forced to watch them.. great thing about watching all those ff vids is that i got some really nice songs which i probably wouldnt have listened to in the normal course of events..sme great lyrics looked up..some tunes stuck in my head..and again the itch to play the only a few demos on this comp so gotta wait..unless g decides to bcum a darling n gimme d discs..or unless it surfaces on lan..which is always too preoccupied by cs, warcraft, aoe, pop, nfs et least now ppl dont jst look blankly at u as if ur nuts wen u say "final fantasy"..till last sem or so jst me n g knew anything about it..and ananya n mads vicariously thru us..n they still thot us to b oh so totally conked..

ananya n dishi were asking the other day about advent children of which the english dubbed versions finally shared on lan..(liked the jap one with the eng subtitles bettr tho..much bettr..grittier dialouges n all..)..ananya was like "wow the guys look soo classy n all in it"..n dishi wantd d "eyes on me" vid..n actually thot it was a movie or sumthg n wudnt accept that it was "jst a game"..(tho i kinda wish they wud make one on viii along the lines of advent children..squalls jst soooooo amazing..hehe..) a bit of a lecture abt squall n how great he is..n sum abt cloud n sephiroth to boot..hehe..hopefully there'll b sumone i can talk to abt all this here soon..weird that none of the guys othr than g knw abt it eithr!!..well..heres to hoping..

on another note..awesome rains last class off after 3.30..n it decides to rain then..n v had sooo much fun splashing around bak to the mess..doel had this unbrella under which she n mads tried to take sum cover..needless to say didnt help much..typical jodhpur winds did the trick n the last "lap" or so we jst ran in the rain..n the mess courtyard had around ankle-deep water..n ghosty, smita, madhu n me jumped n splashed n kicked water on each other..soaked thru n thru..hehe..but sooo awsum fun..all the bhaiya-jis gave us such

signing off now..with a para from "everything you want"..vertical horizon..lyrics of d current vid m watching/listening to..identify to it at sum level i guess..
'til next time..

He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why...


Anonymous said...

where do u watch these shows?
playing in the rain is ALWAYS fun!! as long as they dont match up their time w/ the time to go to classes, rain rocks! ;)

i do agree that things are better as original...w/o dubbing. u can understnd w/ the subtitltes and u can get the expression from the dialogue delivery...dubbing spoils it. though i havent seen any in a loooong time, i rembr those american shows dubbed in hindi they used to show in india.

Debbz said...

all these shows are downloaded frm comps now d substitute tv!!..

n ur rt abt d rain..its really bugging to have gorgeous weather like that n having to b in class..

abt dubbing..i still remm small wonder n all..omg wat a mess!!..but sum ppl find it difficult to read n keep up with d scenes..but i prefer it that way..keeps d originality..